
Marc Adamson - Changing Underwear & Swimwear

Men's underwear are usually dull, boring, lifeless, shapeless and well somewhat uncomfortable - not anymore!

The beautiful and charismatic model turned designer Marc Adamson made contact with me and sent me a couple of items from his collection, by the way Marc thank you and such a pleasure to wear your pieces!

As you can see from above with his tailor made band and eye catching colour means you are sure to please everybody, including your partner. The black and pink trimmed pair are kind of like your usual boxer shorts, a little higher on the side but way more comfortable - it felt like I had nothing on! The other pair, well I felt un-touchable, they make you feel sexy they way they fit, feel and look, I personally would never in a million years go into a shop and pick this shape, fit or colour but I felt sexy in these babies!

Marc Adamson is a very talented and passionate underwear and swimwear designer for both men and women, and why wouldn't he be? he makes good clean quality designs suitable for the day and also the night out ;) Check out a few more of his styles below! Love the bands on these designs to !! So what are you waiting for? Check him out... oh and yes this is him in the pictures to...

Website -
Instagram - @adamsonbrands

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  1. I bought his stuff many years ago!Such great quality and so well fitting then he disappeared for many years and I googled him and apparently he is relaunching this year 2022! I will be purchasing from his new collection for sure! By the way you have his insta account wrong!!!!!!!! Its @adamsonofbrands and the official website is

  2. I was with Dally's Models Brisbane and Marc were one of my peers @ the agency. We did a show @ GPO Night Club for a new denim label that was having the show and launch party and Marc and I were handpicked with a few other hot guys and girls to do the show. It was the first show I did with Marc and I have to say the guy has a really funny sense of humour and we got on really well and did the show then went to the official afterparty, we hung out partied and had a great night. I like Marc still do we speak now and then and he is cool. He ended up leaving the agency and got signed to Cameron's model management in Sydney as far as I am aware. I've heard he got into the party and drug scene pretty hardcore and subsequently disappeared for years off the model scene, especially the international scene. The guy has been through some tough times but always makes the time to chat over text and calls. I am still @ Dallys (Now Chic Brisbane) and I have to say I have missed the guy. All in all, I have a lot of respect for the guy!

  3. i went to fashion school with the marc year 2003 he got a half scholarship to my knowledge we attended the karl von busse institute at bond university gold coast. nice guy always late for class always cracking jokes and had a good time going to school with him. his boyfriend at the time would send him to school in a limo and pick him up in a limo and not just a sedan it was a stretch was hilarious. from what I can recall not the best with his illustrations but great with sewing and branding. he was hanging out with that nasty guy a designer from the gold coast I think his name was anthony downer or something like that they were always out partying but I heard that they fell out that's all I really know. I know at the time marc worked for calvin klein but I can not remember what he was doing. bek said he was also working for versace too. the partying was out of control so re above comment does not surprise me and then I also heard he was in rehab but iam not 100% sure on that. he was always nice to me and respected everyone in the class and at fashion school. it's great to hear that he is relaunching I wish him every success with it. cat.

  4. Regardless of what has said or been said about Marc I respect the guy completely. I am close to a source of his and the guy has got his s**t together these days. He has according to my source completely cleaned his act up and has been working on his label re-launch. My source has been sent some of his new collection and it's nothing short of genius. I would definitely buy his product and I think in my own opinion that because every garment is made in Australia that is great as most labels are made in China where labour is cheap and or third world countries. I wish Marc all the very best with his relaunch.

  5. I used to party with Marc back many years ago (would have to be at trimmest 15 years ago) He was IT on the gay scene. I know the Complete story and I frankly have a lot of regard for the guy these days. Not, so much in his pinnacle stardom days as in my belief, he was quite highfalutin and pretentious. But, after listening to what he has gone through for the earlier 10 years, I harbour to say he is a remarkably transformed dude from the comments around the traps. It's rather unfortunate with all the set divas living on the scene which is why I prefer not to be on the scene of this day and era. I include I have not noticed Marc out on the scene perpetually, he solely evaporated. I candidly believe he resolves the challenging history generously with his re-launch as it is absolutely factual, he stands exceptionally fine at what he accomplishes. Marc, I hope you appreciate the fruits of triumph similarly as you accomplished in the 90s and I stand delighted to listen behind so many years that old (Marcia) is heretofore to his devotion and what you accomplish most promising. You will accomplish nicely again I stand certain of that mate. Ross.

  6. Marc is a legend. I was with camsrons model management in Sydney, Marc and I both were assigned test shoots together and the guy always had my back. He would always make sure I was doing the best I could do to get more work modelling. When we did the David Jones fashion week catwalk the lady who was in charge of our show for the underwear actually shamed him be said he would not be the next Calvin Klien model, so he turned around and called her an ‘unfortunate fat pig’ it was so funny 😄 Apparently she was fired after it. That's Marc though he always speaks up and owns it. Really good to hear 👂 that he is getting back into the fashion game. I no longer model as those fake superficial circles were and still are an absolute dissipation of complete shallowness. Good on you bro!

  7. I actually can not stand the guy! Totally shallow, fake, false and completely pretentious! All of his crew are all the same too. Gold Coast spoiled rich kids who think their shit don’t stink. I will not be shocked if his label 🏷 does not going anywhere this time around! Definitely not going out of my way to buy his designs that’s for sure!

  8. I used to buy his designs for my husband and his garments are of exceptional fit and quality. My husband still has a few pairs, which have lasted the longest time. The good news is he is re-launching I definitely will be purchasing more for my husband and it would be music to my ears if he enters the women's market!

  9. I used to buy his designs years ago. Very good quality and very good fit.

  10. I was covering press at the Gold Coast Fashion Designer Awards in the year 2001 when Marc won so many awards including the supreme award. I was working for a Gold Coast publication at the time. I interviewed Marc and he had a good disposition and seemed very genuine and sincere during the interview. Regardless of the negative things said above he is very talented in my opinion and definitely deserves to shine again. All the best to him.

  11. I first met Marc years ago when he was judging a model search competition. Marc was quite reserved and we'll spoken in our interactions. I think that in regards to his personal life and business, this is no body's business! I purchased his elite collection and it's true, his quality and design is second to none. He is known for being the best in the industry for his designs. Marc is so unpredictable in every facet of his being and I am so curious as to what he will do ir regards to re-launching. His designs have been so popular here in France 🇫🇷 I am waiting with much anticipation of his new designs .

  12. The guy is a total genius and a legend in my opinion! It’s sad that previous comments imply his personal life and it’s very sad. Humanity should build others up not bring them down. Great to hear Marc is re-launching. His designs that I purchased have lasted years. The best quality and superb fit and that’s why he is known as the best in the business of luxury underwear and swimwear. No doubt that the new collection will be amazing😎😎😎😎😎

  13. I actually can not stand the guy! He is so stuck up and superficial. I have heard all the gossip and talk and I have no respect for the guy plain and simple.

  14. I actually disagree, those who know him know he is unpredictable so perhaps rather you judge how about you start embracing! Your obviously a sad bitter queen? GET A LIFE!

  15. I have a lot of respect for Marc. I have read what has been mentioned in the above comments and a lot of what has been mentioned is from far the truth,

  16. Marc is a complete LEGEND

  17. He’s a LEGEND😎😎😎😍

  18. I was with Cameron's management in Sydney and I did some runway shows with Marc. He is cool and such a dry sense of humour so I can understand some of his persona coming off in a negative way. He has my thumbs up and I want to see his label soar like the old days.

  19. Marc did promo for my company for all the festivals when he was in the prime of his model days. He was easy going and very funny sense of humour. He went off the radar so I googled him and found this page. Great to hear he is re-launching and that puts a big smile on my face. He was a pleasure to work with and his ex husband Guy!

  20. His stuff is the best! The design, the quality, everything! I am waiting with anticipation to see all of his new designs. It is no wonder the super-rich and famous all prefer to wear it. His garments are really highly regarded here in Japan.

  21. I wonder what he looks like naked lol

  22. I have heard it's HOT!

  23. I can not stand the guy! Completely up himself and arrogant asf! I met him a few times and have to say not a fan.

  24. I am friends with a friend of one of his close friends he dumped all of his so called close party friends and his best friend tyson after 15 years of friendship and the dirt behind it is full on and from what I have heard I do not blame marc!

  25. I used to model with Marc when he was discovered and signed to Cameron’s Models in Sydney and the guy is a legend we did the David Jones Sydney Fashion Parade and Melinda our booker @ Cameron’s commented that Marc would not be the next Calvin Klein poster boy but she was right in him finding stardom with the David Jones underwear show. Apparently Cameron’s has now closed and I know he was signed to Dally’s Models Brisbane (Now Chic Models) I’ve heard that Marc has now retired and has shifted his focus to his Haute Couture High Luxury Underwear and Swimsuit Brand. I’ve heard that he has won 🥇 allot of awards for his designs ect. Like 👍 I said above Marc is a legend in my opinion and I actually have so much respect for the hottie!

  26. I worked with marc @ Versace Boutique for 3 years when we were in our early 20's and he was the most gentle caring considerate soul to work with and to be around. All the girls loved and really respected him. His infections sense of humour was hilarious and we both would be in the back stock room completely in many hysterical fits of laughing madness with the funny stuff we used to laugh about as some days we had not a soul come through the boutique. When I read some of the very cold and nasty comments above it actually makes me cringe how mean some people can actually be. As Paris Hilton says jealousy is such an evil thing! I am so happy to hear that he is re-launching his fashion empire because he is truly talented and has a gift and and a great eye with impecable attention to detail. GO MARC! Oh, the memories my darling heart! Whishing you all the best Mittens love Poodes X

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  28. It sounds like you're really passionate about defending Marc Adamson, and I can see why you'd want to stand up for him given your personal connection and admiration. It’s tough when people write negative things about someone you respect, especially when you have insight into their true character. It seems like you’re acknowledging both the past struggles Marc had with alcohol and drugs, but also highlighting the positive changes he's made, his privacy, and the genuine support from his friends and family. It’s great to hear that he's doing well and focusing on his relaunch, too!

    You also make an interesting point about the power of jealousy. Sometimes when someone’s doing well—especially someone with a public or celebrated past—there are bound to be people who feel threatened or resentful, which can lead to negative comments. But ultimately, it sounds like you want to remind people to focus on the good Marc has done and his positive attributes.

    If you're looking to share your thoughts with a wider audience, it could be helpful to offer some of the specifics you mentioned—like his sobriety, personal growth, and how much he values the support from his loved ones. That might help give a fuller picture and provide more understanding for those who don't know him personally.

    Does this resonate with your feelings because it does mine.

  29. This statement provides a thoughtful and defensive perspective that supports Marc Adamson while addressing negative comments. It highlights the positive aspects of Marc’s personality and professional involvement in the campaign, presenting him as a valuable contributor to a successful project. If this is for public sharing, you might consider refining it slightly for clarity and tone:

    "I must say, the negative comments I’ve seen here are quite disheartening. As the casting director for the Queensland Health LGBT campaign many years ago, I worked closely with a large number of individuals, including Marc Adamson. From what I recall, Marc was put forward by Mark at Ego Model Management.

    After interviewing Marc, we decided to cast him, not only for his appearance but also for his kind demeanor and warm, softly spoken personality, which left a lasting impression. He was a pleasure to work with, and I can genuinely say I have only positive things to say about him.

    The campaign was a tremendous success and made a meaningful impact on the LGBT community, thanks to contributions from people like Marc. I hope this provides a more balanced and fair perspective of his character and involvement."

  30. Marc's designs are the best I still have the first released collection from way way way ago

  31. Marc is a fucking legend!


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