
What is a Major Player in Relationships

We all question our day to day life's and question everyone else's relationship when we speak with friends, family and even people we don't know but yet we are still to question our own! What do we look for in a relationship? and can we make a sum up for it like a straight line "y=mc2"? Is it personal preference or IS there something's we should all have in a relationship?

I think we can be to judgmental of other people thoughts, feelings and emotions and are to scared to look at ourselves in fear of finding something we do not like. I've done it, I have been there and I hated it but I have come out the other side a better person in knowing who I am, ok so I am 21 and I still have some growing up to do - I think no matter how old we get we all have growing up to do (some more than other lemme tell you lol). In order to find somebody who loves, cares and wants to be with us surely we have to love and care about ourselves first? I mean no-one is going to want to be with an insecure person who always feels the need to be wanted are they? I've been like that before and can put men off like a bad stink!!

I'm not a relationship expert but I feel I need to share my experience with you guys as been thinking how to sum up my relationship I have. Firstly I must say I am happy and am not questioning my relationship in any way - apart from what makes me tic and doesn't in order to find out if majority are a personal thing or are things we ALL look for (or look out for) in our relationships.

To give you an example here are things that I always look for :-
1. Nice body - Check!
2. Personality - Check!
3. Cookings Skills - Check! Lasagne aye mum haha!! ;)
4. Ability to Push & Encourage - A Deffinate Check!

Here are things that I look out for and don't want :-
1. Someone with very to much baggage
2. Someone who can't take back what they give!
3. Someone who only wants to supports them selves

I think that pretty much is it! Now this is where I need your guys opinions. Are these things we ALL look for or are is this just personal!?
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