
We are connected but are we actually connecting?

This is something I have been thinking about for some time....

We all have Social Media i.e. Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Linkedin etc and we all pretty much have a mobile phone. I don't know about you but I have gotten to the point - yes even though I am 22 - where I end up ringing people.

We want to meet up, we text, tweet or FB.... We want to sort out an issue we have with someone, we text, tweet or FB.... We have a shit day stuff the text we tweet and update our facebook status so everyone in the world can see it! I am subject to all of the above and use to say things indirectly via facebook but recently have decided ima do it all different - Some of my friend have experienced this as maybe we text back and fourth a few times and I end up ringing and saying "sorry I couldn't be bothered with the texting" We are all missing a vital part in connecting with people and its the connecting part we miss!

We meet someone for the first time and what do we do? Add them as a friend on Facebook! Do you not agree we should all actually be friends first?? Should we not get a number 04** *** ***, RING to arrange meeting up and connecting?

Obviously if you life with your partner your connect a lot anyway - but if you don't you probably end up texting more than ringing right? I mean whilst I am at work I will text my partner because I can't just ring him, however where possible I ring my partner.

Texting, Facebooking and tweeting is the worst thing to help cause fall outs, your status offensive, your texts rude and your tweets negative when in fact all of them meant nothing. Texts get misconstruded into something its not meant to be, either with a missing word because you type fast like me or you have a sensitive friends (not a bad thing just a fact) and they take it seriously or the wrong way. Facebooking - friends/family read it and thinks its about them or get offended by it. It's nobodies fault we as a generation rely to much on technology which results in so called "Drama and negativity" from both ends of a friendship.

Next time you get angry and update your Facebook status, why not just write it down in your head or on paper if you really need to get it out, speak to the person who you are angry at or just speak to a non biast friend who can calm you down...

Next time you start writing a text why not just pick up the phone "Hello how are you" your voice and wording then can be heard instead of read and people can actually understand what it is you are saying...

If you have an issue with someone speak to them - I have learnt recently I can do this and it works... dont sit and breed on your anger and then try and get others to dislike the person just speak to the person in question and deal with it head on

I am a culprit of some of the above but is something I have noticed over the last 12 months. We rely on technology more than we do our mouths.

It is true... SO true we are all connected (via text, email, fb & twitter) but we are not actually connecting...

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