
Review - The Faulty Towers Dining Experience

This event I have been excited about for the last few weeks! My partner and I are both poms so we have watched Fawlty Towers episodes 100 times over! It's British comedy at it's best. For us to attend the Faulty Towers dining experience as part of the Perth Fringe Festival was fabulous!

We arrived around 6:30pm and headed down to the bar as was told that Basil will seat us and to get some drinks. The atmosphere was very relaxed but apprehensive. Everyone was looking around not knowing what to expect over loud banging noises from the kitchen. Basil then walked through the crowd talking to people and he has gotten the facial expressions, the way he walks, talks and mannerisms down to a T! Manuel then appears, again the way his walk, the accent and mannerisms were perfect! Sybil then arrived talking on the phone to her friends as she does on the TV program.

Now I don't know about you but Manuel was always my faveeeeeee character! just absolute brilliance! HE for me was the best character out of all of them in the dining experience, I even had the pleasure of him on my lap at one point and I think that was after Fawlty tried to open my bottle of wine and land on me to!

All 3 actors capture exactly what Cleese did in the original TV show! considering only 1/3rd of the show is scripted they use an incredible amount of team work to make things out of nothing. Sybil would be going around chatting as she does, Manuel trying to "help" with bread, butter and condiments and then Basil with his sarcastic ways! The food is nice food, not fantastic wow BUT in saying that your there for the WHOLE experience and I couldn't fault anything!

Everything about the show just worked I would advise though that you hold your toilet breaks until intervals when food is served ha! The only thing I thought would have been good is at the end whilst eating dessert they came back out and did a little something something but other than that just fantastic!

IF you are looking for a memorable evening with friends, family or a loved one with good food and lots of laughs this is definitely a show you should go to! Tickets around $90 each (including food) and runs through out February!

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