Trixie and Monkey's Bottom Up Circus, Perth Fringe Festival
I wasn't sure what to expect watching Trixie and Monkey's bottom up circus this evening, was it cabaret, circus or comedy? Well in fact it was all three with a little added singing, booze and boobs! I heard from a friend that last year this act was massively popular last year so was excited to see what the show was about.
You MUST see this show, its sexually funny all at the same time and they are fantastic at engaging their audience. From their sexy outfits a few amazing acrobats the show really has something for everyone! This show is what Perth Fringe Festival is all about, if your not laughing your engaged, if your not engaged your impressed with some of the acrobatics they do! This pair work together very well and I wasn't surprised to find out they were a married couple! He a.k.a the monkey isn't afraid to show his flamboyant side and she isn't scared to show some skin, well in saying that nor is he!

If you go to watch this show go with an open mind there is some cursing, some very open sexual references and lot's of skin! Don't sit by the the aisle if you don't want to get picked on or participate in the show that of which happened to my friend! I won't give away to much but this included a picture frame, alcohol and a bum crack!
There is all different segments during the show including audience participation (Poor Bruce and Katya), Flea Circus with real fleas named Flea-val Caneval & Dita Von Fleas, burlesque, acrobats, singing oh and Cirque de Sogay (if you have watched Cirque De Soleil you will find that segment quite amusing) She is absolutley stunning and he is also pretty easy on the eye to!
You MUST see this show! possibly one of the best fringe shows I have seen over the 2 years I have been!! I would easily watch it again!