
Just Keep Swimming...

Ever listen to a song when your just chilling and it helps you reflect? Yup so I've been doing some "reflecting" this evening after the last week or so not just with me but friends around me!

Naturally we are tested in life when things are going up! as you may have read from previous posts 2013 was a big smushy pile of rubbish! I can't begin to tell you just how bad it was! No matter how much retail therapy I did, no matter who I surrounded myself with and that fact I went home for three weeks and finally brought the car I have ALWAYS wanted I still wished for 2013 to end.

2014 got off to a F-A-B-Ulous start! Until recently my partner and I decided to leave our house and move in with a friend to save a heap of $$$ whilst we sort out the building of our own property! In less than 2 weeks we are needing to source a new property - oh and was told this on my birthday pfffffffft - due to the owner not allowing our beautiful yet stupid as hell dog :( so needing to put down a bond on the new "character" home whilst trying to get back my bond from previous house - in a, well, "diplomatic Tony fashion"  On top of this I crashed a loan car whilst mine was getting fixed and the excess is $2000... Just think of the clothes, shoes and SABA Scarves I could have brought with that FOR. MY. LIFE! And I'm not the only one being tested right now, I have a number of friends to and I would bet my life on it that other people around the globe right now are too!

I guess what I am trying to say is shit is sent our way to test us, to push us and to make us stronger! My partner has always said to me "how do you do it, how do you just keep getting back up and starting again" .... I tell him a fishy once told me to "Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming" and it's true! You just need to dust yourself off, look at the positives and keep swimming!

Surround your self with friends a friend and/or a partner (as they are ALL you need) who will be there for you, support you and help guide you through the negative and enable you to see the positives and "keep swimming" Seriously its taken some time but I know always see positives and make the best of a bad situation!

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