
Memoirs of a Gay Guy

Hi im normal guy from the UK and have moved to Australia to "Live the Dream" Ive been here now for 9 Months and can't beleive how quick time has gone by... so here is a quick brief post to update you on whats happend!

It's now the height of summer, sun is shining, pfffffft abit of an understatement as is 40+ degrees at the moment and my shirt well need I say more, its time to party and have fun. I arrived here in 2010 and started my job later in the year. and have been with them since. I moved here with my partner, Michael, who is working in Dee Why and gets to finish at 2pm and 12pm on a Friday!! which may I add is totally unnessesary, cue angry face!!!..... we have been together 4 years in April and decided to take the plunge to move her all planned of course, until I was offered a job and got here a year earlier than planned, not going to complain.

Work has been going massivley well, Apart form that Christmas and New Year were such an experience, I got to sit on our beach with friends and just got hammered on Xmas day!.... it basically turned into a little nightclub in the end with a friend bringing this laser pen that had a moving top creatign patterns!!... so drunk, so messy ... but just your normal average Xmas Day, I mean getting drunk with you Sydney Orphan friends on Xmas day is a rule....right!? New years eve was also TO amazing went to an Awsome venue, The Opera Bar, right opposite the Harbour Bridge and WOW WOW WOW!.... something I have always wanted to see and now have seen, London has not got nothing on these bad boys!

Last night myself and Michael took our friend Pxxxxa (who has come to Australia for a year out) to a fantastic thai resturant in Manly called Mortar and Pestle, if you havent been, GO!.... such and amazing meal, amazing food and amazing atmosphere!... She has gone to Urralla today to work in a travelling food van from Sydney upto Cairns and then back down to Sydney, now F**k me i would give up my job and do that yesturday!!... i mean OMG!... free accommodation, free food, travelling Australia!... she will have seen more of Australia than I have by the time she is back!... I hope she stays safe and as the time of her life!...

I think that is the majority of the last few months, well its a very watered down version.... I will be using this blog as a form of diary, agony aunt, fashion, music etc!...

until next time have a fab day wherever you are in the world!
me 6091253887301182844

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