
A normal weekend - with an educated chat on a Sunday!!

Sunday! - A day of rest they say! in our apartment block there is a little girl called Naomi (cutest little thing if i may say so) so clever and clued up for a little girl!!... after it was her party another lady who we live with was her 30th/leaving do as she and her partner are moving to Melbourne to own a B&B (I will let you know details when I get them) so we all sitting there chilling have a bit of food, some wine and chat.

A lovely women who use to live in this apartment block came with her husband and he left early for another arrangement. I got chatting to her about her religion (they say don't mix alcohol and religion) but this women is awsome!! gorgeous, funny and VERY intelligent. Just passed her bio-chemistry degree WOOP WOOP - so why would she want to talk to me I hear you say lol - I am very narrow minded when it comes to religion but she changed my mind, I don't believe in a religion but I do believe that a being of some sort created some parts of our existence i.e Pyramids - to sleek and smooth to be hand made and also Stone Henge - how did the stones that come from WALES get there?? I mean just not possible.

But anyway, we sat and talked, talked and talked some more and it was nice to meet somebody who is not one of those "extremists" who eat, sleep, drink and eat some more of the bible and believe all its contents. Its nice to meet a Christian who doesn't batter an eye lid at the fact I am gay and also she enjoys a drink or two!

I sometimes think that some of the people in this world are to serious, to stuck up and to self absorbed in themselves or their religion and when you meet one, I mean it only takes one doesn't it? it makes you realise that there are decent human being in our world, who do care and who do take the important parts of their believes to which they are entitled to!

I'm not slating people who have a religion - I'm saying that their are people out there who do believe but don't take it to extremes and allow for other to believe in what they are/do!. If your reading this (the women I was speaking with) you are a lovely human being and I am honoured to have met you and I look forward to our fortnightly dinner/social meet up in the future!!
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