
Your Playyyiinngg with fiiiirrrreeeeeeee.....

So you've heard the expression "Playing with Fire" meaning doing something you should not be doing!... well how many time have you or somebody you know done so? Have you been there to help avoid this? or Have you been there to pick up the pieces when it all goes wrong?

This is exactly what I have been doing over the last weekend... a close friend of mine back in the UK has been with her man for a while!.. always doing dates, he knows when they got together and to celebrate their year anniversary he took her to the place they had their first date, had the same table and even went to the same bar after! now thats cute... cue me + bowl = vom!... anyywaaayyyyy She has recently been approached by a guy, I hot bronzed 6 pack torso in tight white boxers kinda guy!! (yes hot I KNOW)

[caption id="attachment_53" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Imagine this dude without the sock ;)"]Imagine this dude without the sock in his pants!!! [/caption]

Now guys n girls! this - however tempting it maybe - is a recipe for DiSaStEr!!, I mean who gets to play with a guy like this when your single let alone partnerd!!!... abit like Donkey in Shrek 3 and his waffles - you would never speak to this man if you where single as you would not have a chance!... so why now! its a test!... test test test test test!...

Babbling on there sorry!... ha!... so she explains that she thought she gave him her fake number *rolls eyes* - cue me with a bucket of b******t!!..... this is not good for her, she is happily partnered and because someone who would never normally show interest in her, she starts giving out her number!... she then goes on to say she rung him and they are meeting up for a drink!! WHATTTTTTTT!!.. WHYYYYY?? he only want to shag you!... why are some... I SAID SOME women so neieve... well I find out tonight how good this date was... I tried to talk her out of it and I hope it is a Sex and the City 2 moment like carrie!.. BUT as her best friend, I dont doubt her one bit.... but I dont wana be a "pick up the pieces" guy as I will feel bad for not helping her even more to avoid the sitch!... :(
Love 1154912769582022886

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