
Is finding "the one" fate or do you just go looking for them?

Fate Destiny & Life


Do you go looking for "the one" who you will spend your life with, or do you believe that your life path is set out before you, and your route is already infront of you but you just don't know it yet?

Well this is a questions I think many of us ask them selves, I mean I for one thought I would be single all my life, die an old lonely man and have no kids blah blah blahhhhh.... and so I thought I should go looking for "the one" I keep refering to them as "the one" because its a term that needs to be used lightly i think. I was looking, and kissed many-a-frogs on the way ... believe me when I say this... until this one particular day I was on gaydar and met a guy on there. We met up on numerous of occasions and before we knew we had been dating for 9 months. For some reason we started having a conversation about where we lived (I mean WHY that far down the line) it turns out that the land my mum and dad have their house on the the land owned by his best friend not only this he lived on the road directly behind me before we met (he had moved out whilst we where talking)

I often hear people saying "oooo my first Valentines Day without a Valentine, I need to find Mr Right" my attitude is don't look for Mr Right... whilst you wait for him deal with Mr Right Now... there is no harm in dating and taking it from there! I guess what Im trying to say is, live a little, have fun and don't get caught up on trying to find "the one"

Fate - Destiny - Life: The 3 things that will naturally bring you together :)
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