
My Challenge - Day 1

Well it has been Day 1 of the 3 Month Challenge. For those who have not seen the blog post for this you can see it here.

The challenge is not to say anything negative over a 3 Month period. First is 3 days which I blog daily, then after that its 45 days & then 3 months (which I will blog weekly)

Day 1:

Today was a nice warm chilled Tuesday. I woke up did some housework and wondered over to meet a couple of friends of mine for lunch ( Miss R and Miss E ) and we went to a local spot called Lime - its a little cute amazing fresh, homemade lunch shop! AMAZE! me and Miss E went there often when I worked in the city. They explained to me how well and de-stressed I looked and I filled them in with what happened with work etc as I had not seen them since I lost my job. They said I was better off out there and didn't know how long I put up with the crap.

Talking of work I had to hand the old BB back to the Boss Mr K - nice guy, got a lot of time and respect for him and so does he with what he says. I rung him and he said I will be down in 5. I waited for him whilst bobbing my little head away to Jessie J (my new music love at the moment haha) out comes Mr K with another guy Mr K (don't know who he was tbh but was from the UK office) I hand over to BB to my old boss - and the other Mr K said "ooo the infamous Tony, where did it all go wrong" I was like oh! ok I replied with "not sure mate" to which I got back "well word of advice, im not taking the piss or anything, but maybe you should find out so you can better yourself in the future" hmmmm who is this guy? but anyway.

My old boss was being sound, asking me how things are going, actually spent the time showing interest (even if he didn't was of him to at least so he did) to then this dude Mr K piped up again out of now where and said "____ really misses you" I replied whilst laughing "oo really, shame I dont miss ___" and then again Mr K pipes up with "oh so it must have been a one way love hate relationship" to which my old boss said "Anyway i gotta shoot going for a coffee". I walked away some what bemused by all that was said! here is me dropping of something to my old boss to receive stupid, sarcastic comments which to be fair I don't need whilst sorting out all the paper work for my PR and with the added stress of not having a job. I mean really... was these comment completely necessary? I still managed to walk away, without saying anything negative to him or even about him in my head. One thing I did think was that I am still obviously affecting their life whilst they are stuck in an office and im chilling in the sun :)

Today was a complete test for me and if you ask me, its a bit of a coincidence as it happened of the first day of the readers challenge!! lol. Let's see what the next 3 months brings :)

Day 1 in my eyes out of 10 for not being negative - i'd have to say a 8 out of 10 purely because I was angry but that was it :)

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