

I can be a negative person at times. Not in a fascist kind of way, in a "I think i'm doing good" way but it comes out all wrong. I also get really angry about people in a horrible negative way! Something I need to learn to stop as by ME being negative + Angry = then people i'm angry about are winning!!!

A fellow reader/blogger of mine has sent me a challenge - a challenge that will be a challenge for me.

I accept the Challenge given to me (pictured above) I will blog at the end of the 3 days. Then every Monday for the 45 days then every other monday for the 3 months!

If you wish to participate please comment on here letting me know you have started blogging it, followed me on twitter and then I can follow your journey :)

Lets see how this goes. I will (like always readers) be totally 110% honest with you!!
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