
An my employment ends....

Today was the worse day I have had in my journey in Australia - I lost my job. I worked for a really good company and had a really good honest, loyal and decent boss and I wish him all the success with the business unfortunately the same can't be said for some of the others. It's a shame as I done what I was suppose to do but on the way made stupid little mistakes which meant it wasn't done to a satisfactory standard, fair enough.

To be honest I knew it was coming, I mean from the other posts your all probably aware that they some of the people I worked with don't have common sense and have big mouths, and we all know what together this means don't we? *rolls eyes* After working with some of the most two faced, fake and arse licking people I have ever met Ive decided that recruitment is not for me (for now) I mean hairdressing wasn't as bitchy as some of the people I was working with!! lol

Can you believe this to - someone who I don't get on with was reading her friends blog and said that people need to be careful what people say on blogs because they get caught out, rumours start and things get twisted and she hasn't got time for blogs - that's rich coming from someone who SLAGGED me off in emails which you obviously had time for? lol..... pfffffft I tell ya what tho, knowing you are better than someone is the BEST feeling in the world. They say keep your friends close and your enemies closer - ha! these ones aren't even worth the effort. The only reason I'm writing this post is because I pledged to share my life with you, my readers and your advice, comments and help is appreciated to!...

I wish my old work colleagues all the health, wealth and happiness in the world an hope they get what they want in life, even if it means pulling people down, creating voids and trampling all over people to get what they want!!

as of 3rd March its my time to chill, I mean I didn't choose to live on a beach in Australia for no reason. Time for me to have time out and not worry about working for a year :)
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  1. Oh gosh! So sorry to hear this :(

    Hope things get better for you and keep your chin up!

    x Gen


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