
What does handwriting say about someone...

A cute writing exercise thanks to Miss G and her blog.

The reason for the tattoo is to show you I have my favourite quote on me :). Anyone can get involved. All you have to do is write the following:

Name + Blog Name
Blog URL
A Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Your favourite quote
Your favourite song
Your favourite artist/band
Anything you want
+ tag a few people (I tagged Genevieve & Michelle)

I would also (like Genevieve) like to ask if anyone who studies hand writing please contact me and let me know what mine says about me :)
quotes 559200424816291877

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  1. Awesome! Thanks for joining in :)

  2. How cute is your writing, I want to make it into a font >.<

  3. awww!! Thanks love this!!... How cool would it be to make handwriting into a font though!! :) xoxo


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