
I'm a Facebook-a-holic

Hi, My names Tony and I'm a Facbook-a-holic

That's right, I can't stay off Facebook, I don't know why but I can't - Maybe it's because I didn't don't have a life with not working at the moment. I am checking-in, checking-out, uploading this downloaded that. I just can't get off it. When I am buying my bread - Facebook knows I'm buying bread. It's insane, it's got that bad my boyfriend has to tell me to get off of it!

Facebook is everywhere... "Follow us on Facebook" "Like us on Facebook" "Like the Dislike group on Facebook" ....

I'm done! That's it... Facebook Re-hab for me!... As of around sometime today I de-activated my account. Facebook + Tony = no more! How long can I do it? I'm not sure but I am keen to stay of it - I even deleted the Facebook app on my iPhone.

There is more than just me being a Facbook-a-holic. When in text format either text, e-mail or Facebook things can be read in a certain way which can upset yourself and others. Also its full of people who either are having a shit time and updating how much of a shit time their having OR its full of people who say there having a fab time but updating their status whilst there having a good time - ALL THE TIME? what is that?

I'm a culprit of this also - I either update my status when I am on the loo, buying milk or at the airport. I find there is categories of people on Facebook and we are all one of them.

  • Status Updater
  • Tagger - I am was one of these... Tag, Tag, Tag, Tag, TAG!!
  • Game Player
  • Inviter
The problem with the people of today is this - People are connected but not connecting - so true! We either Facebook or text - What is wrong with picking up the phone and asking "How are you" instead of texting "How r u"...

Face for thought....

opinions 2018645792801576588

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  1. Hah. It's easy to switch on but not so to switch off. That's it. It's too easy!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my last post :')

    x Gen.

  2. Haha OMG SO TRUE!

    Every now and then I find myself on facebook for an hour looking at status updates and pics of people that I don't even talk to or care about! I then react by de-activating my fb for sometimes four weeks! Bit of a detox reminds me how much time I could have :P

    True facts I found out:

    - They have found a link between the high amount of status updates and the level of insecurity of people.

    - They have likened facebook to the new "looking in the mirror" -instead of doing your hair and makeup to feel good you update your profile pic :P
    - On average, people officially now spend more time on facebook then they do on all their friends! :O


    ash x


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