
Who You Are - My Story

OK! WOW! So I just read this post back to myself and it's a very deep but meaningful post...

In celebration of the release of one of my favourite artist video to "Who You Are" by Jessie J. I have decided to write my story from when I grew up, this coincides with my new weekly newsletter article I will be writing for I'm Gay Now What for the inspiring Self Esteem Queen

I was a normal kid living on a council estate in the UK from when I was born and had a good life, no complications, no troubles I was allowed to be stupid, crazy, young and nieve. My mum then progressed with her job and with progression comes more money (and so it should she worked hard for me when I was younger, she wanted to make sure she could give me the best life any mother could give there son).... She then met the "evil" stepdad (at the time) PA who had 3 daughters and 1 son. Of course this was a shock to all the kids systems including mine. We, like any family had our up's and down's, and boy was I a little ok maybe I was a big shit for them at times!

Not only was I having the step-dad, sister/brother issue of not being the only child I was also dealing with something that hundreds of thousands of people have to try and deal with, being gay, it was hard for me knowing I thought that I liked guys but at my young age I kind of wasn't sure and I would go home all frustrated. I use to find it real hard dealing with it at school and was bullied on a daily daily DAILY basis!... "Teapot Tony" was my nickname haha!! it's funny now but back then, it made me feel different, dirty, horrible, scared and most of all insecure the more and more I wanted to come out the less I would because of these names. There was not a day that went past in my school life where I wasn't called something. It was more mental than physical but the physical happened.

It got to the point my mum would get frustrated because she didn't know what to do! she didn't know what to do for the best, I wouldn't let her go into school nor would I tell her why I was so frustrated etc. My mum was always supportive and always made me aware that I could speak to her. Anyway, It got to the point where I decided to go out with the cool group getting drunk, smoking weed and trying to be liked!

Don't get me wrong I would not change ANY of my life decisions for anybody, yes back then they made me feel like shit but now, who came out the better one? I may have been the odd one out but look who has spread their wings and created a life that any 22/23 year should be proud of I now life in Sydney Australia, My house has unrestricted views of Sydney Harbour and beach and I am .. ooooo about 50 meters from the beach and on a good wage!!! Which is where I come to why Jessie J "Who You Are" is such an inspiring song to anybody dealing with anything. Being true to yourself is a lesson I wish I learnt earlier instead of trying to become someone for other people. Take me as you find me, I won't change for you! Every time I listen to that song (like I am as I write this) it makes me realise How lucky I was to realise that I wasn't being "who I am".

I eventually came out to my best friend when I was 15/16 years old, I told my mum at around 15/16 and I remember telling my aunties on New Years Day 00:00. It was the best thing I ever did, my family knew, my friends knew and my bullies knew! What did they have on me now? Nothing! I was being me, following my heart (and men haha) and I was happy! It turn's out that a few of the people who bullied me are gay/bi themselves which shows maybe they should have been true to themselves.

The moral of this story is this - to be "Who You Are" no matter who, what, when or why you are the person you are people will be there. Whether it's friends, family, strangers or groups there is always someone there. You don't have to deal with whatever is your issue on your own! No matter what it is!...

To Jessie J, to my readers, friends and most of all my family this is to you all - this is for making me realise I can be who I want to be with my head held high....

Please if anybody has any questions or wants to get something of their chest contact me! I am a stranger whom you will probably never meet, I will hold no judgement, I won't take sides but I will listen and give what advice I can on what I have learnt!

Be "Who You Are"

Life 3084219929469748784

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