
Hello from 35,000 feet in the air

Today marks a big change in my life... Mine and my partners move to Perth. As explained in my previous post Sydney has stolen my heart and I WILL be back. This move is so signifcant in our lives purely because everything just happend, Ian his promotion and my company wanting me to start their Perth office. It just all fell into place.

I sit here writing this from 35,000 feet in the air whilst I eat an AMAZING warm chocolate cookie, sipping tea with my feet up! #TrueStory!! I have realised that things happen for a reason and to learn from the mistakes I made first time around when starting a new life in a new country. I have made some AMAZING friends in Sydney couple of which I will hold close to my heart no matter where I am in the world, some I will stay in contact with and some that I just wont bother with again.

Sydney has been an awesome challenge for me, I moved there the day after I turned 21 and starting again at such a young and partying age was difficult. I thought the move would chill me out and to start with i thought it wouldnt happen, we were stressed, tired, emotional and in a job I hated but I managed to turn it around and Im slowly starting to chill out...

My easter weekend was so calm and chilled and I enjoyed it! Having space before flying to Perth with good friends and good times..... oh an also some girl but hey!! every party needs a party pooper ;) it goes without saying that one chapter closes and another one opens!!

A huge lesson I have learnt in Sydney is that everyone will not get on with everyone and im sure my friends and people on the receiving end of me has decided that if I dont like someone I have to tell them because it just creates awkwardness.... I will always give a person the benefit of the doubt but as soon as you try and get me sacked, get your mum to ring at midnight, tell me my friends have been slagging me off or getting your boyfriend to try and "threaten" me on the phone then I dont want nothing to do with you - funny this is all the shit I have had have been from 30+ girls...hmmmmm... Need. I. Say. More! :) Look at me - ive come out on top :P

but in all seriousness I will miss Sydney and my little sisters ;) you know who you are!!! All of the people I know who have moved to Australia have experienced stress, strains and/or come across people who have caused aggro its apart of life...If your reading this and want to make a move DO IT there is no one stopping you other than yourself... take a leap of faith, a chance or a gamble!! you never know whats around the corner!!

From 35,000 feet in the air courtesy of Virgin Australia have a fabulous day :o)

Mucho Love :)
virgin 1923786561940762685

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