
A nightmare I will NEVER forget :(

Evening guys...

Sorry was meant to write this earlier but been seeing what GaGa has been up to since she landed and meeting fans - couple of my fans have met her today in Brissy - So excited to watch her in Sydney next week and Perth week or so after :)

Anyway! I really want to share with you the worse nightmare I think I have ever had.... its was horrible so scrap that it IS the most horrid nightmare I have ever had and I will NEVER forget :(

I had a restless nights sleep anyway generally, up one minute, sleeping the next, up again going to the toilet, sleeping again, then the heavy rain woke me up so yeah a pretty restless night all in all. I would like to point out that I have never remembered a dream like I did this one, it was vivid, so so vivid. It kinda felt like it actually happened and.. well you will see why.

I don't know how or when we got to this place or in fact where it was but we where in some kind of small parking lot. Imagine 6-8 foot high white walls, dirty road - like it wasn't an actual road. Around Ian (my partner) and I was old chitty bang bang cars, white & great but mostly white. The wall's where creating I suppose a weird square looking shape with a gap big enough to fit an oversized car that made no sense, a gap as wide as 1.5 cars.

now this led to a one way alley way type street... not sure what was out the to the right or up the alley way to the left but it was an alley way with high brick buildings.... apart from one - it was a shop of some kind... I suppose a corner shop!!?? This is the only details that is vague to me. I remember seeing people go in and thinking shit is going to hit the fan. I said to Ian "Come on lets go I don't feel good about this" so we got in a our shitty white car and was ready to leave. Now we all know dreams play tricks on us right? well all of a sudden in a point of view, view (by the way this whole dream is POV) a car seemed to be in front us but had the same idea which was good! The car left with no problem but then these to guy started keying the front of out car - I just drove and they went on and over the top of the car.

At this gap, which was the only way in or our, was two guys.... the guy on the left took out a gun, shot at the window twice to which Ian shouted "just go, just go" someone then shot out the wheels, then a nightmare being a nightmare, the car slid backwards.... The last thing Ian said to me was "oh my god they are going to drag me out the car and kill me" to which they opened the car door, dragged him out and then took him up the alley.

At this point I don't know what happens to me, where I go or what! I then see this next part as if it through a camera lens. This guy start beating the shit out of Ian, smacking him with a pole, kicking him and punching him. At one point he picks up Ian by his feet/ankles and puts a foot either side of his torso.... then with a flick - imagine as if you crack a whip - he flicks Ian cracking the back of his head on the pavement and I heard this almighty crack!!!. I then end up back in POV and am shouting at this guy and can feel the dent he has put in the back of his head, I then vanish and end up going into the guy's POV and he looks at a pile of metal poles and says "you will stand up and fight, i will make sure of it" then looking back at Ian looking broken as if to say I will put the poles in you to hold you upright!!!

Now you tell me that isn't a vivid fucked up nightmare!!... I remember waking up feeling emotional and I then told Ian the nightmare and got emotional telling him... so weird!! not sure if its stress?? or weather I need help?? but I thought I should share

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