
Schweppes, Car & not much more ha!


How are we all going? I can't believe it's been a month since I last wrote. Heaps has happened - nothing major or interesting really to write about to be honest lol did I really just write that!! hmmmm

I finally brought a car :) its my pride and joy a sparking, shiny Ford Focus XR5 :) It goes like a beauty and sits perfectly on my drive haha

A lot has happened since I last posted bench the lack of posts... I moved into my new home :)... been exploring Perth and making friends. I am finally starting to feel settled again here in Perth and my partner is getting there to. He is all busy with the opening of the new Brookfield Place building. Its an impressive building and I'm looking forward to the Launch Party in September ;)

The 2 lovely ladies inside the pool bar and us drinking the
yummo cocktails
I had the beautiful people from Schweppes Australia send to lovely and very pretty ladies over my home in Perth to do cocktail tasting and making session which was fabulous! They also left behind a Schweppes carton behind full of things to make cocktails after they left! They arrived on an old vintage style bike called "The Cocktail Mall" and they use it when they do alcohol free cocktails on the streets of Perth, Sydney & Brisbane. If they are in your area you should check them out! There new mixers make cocktail making simple, easy and tasty!! :) Even if we did get complaints about "noise". It did end messy mind you!! people got thrown in the pool fully clothed, kebabs got brought round and we partied till the early hours - oooops I did it again!!

Me and one of the girls on the bike

The little package they left behind ;)

I promise I will make more of an effort to keep writing and sharing with you all... it has been manic here so I'm glad its calmed down a little :)

Until next time :) enjoy your week and if your on the EAST side enjoy your 4 day week - barstards!!!!!

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