
I don't like your photo - well Don't look at my phone then...

"Who do you think you are" I said to the passenger next door to me on flight DJ 556 from Perth to Melbourne, in a not so loud, angry way but in a I don't want to cause a scene screwed up face kind of way "I just don't like your kind of people" was his reply

This is the problem with nosey, narrow mined, obnoxious and very unfashionable people on planes... I don't know about "Snakes on a Plane" but "Neighbours on a Plane" may be more realistic.... I will start from the beginning.... I was en-route to Melbourne from Perth when I took my seat on a flight, buckled up - with the mobile phone off obvs! We taxied to the runway, the captain floored the engines and we were up in the air. My phone was clutched to my hand as I can't live a minute without my phone off - even if I can't get e-mails, texts and social medial alerts I just can't have it off! You know you get the people who look at the seatbelt sign and as soon as it goes "bing" you hear the noise of metal undoing itself? well stuff the belt - phone ON!!!

So my mobile phone image is this... ok just went to look for it and can't find it... but its a man pulling up his t-shirt to reveal is beautiful spanish like tan and six pack nothing sexual just your average picture you see on billboards everyday. Welllll for my neighbour you would have thought his world just came crashing down around him .. so the conversation went a little like this - oh and for the purpose of the blog I will nickname this guy Bill actually no, Dick Head

Dick Head - "Did I just see what I thought I saw on your phone"

Me - "I don't know, what did you think you just saw on my phone" like I am some kind of friggin mind reader!!!!

Dick Head - "Did I just see a naked man on your phone"

Me - "well no, not a naked man but a man pulling up his t-shirt with jeans on, why?" 

Dick Head - "I just don't like people like you"

Me - "Who do you think you are" 

Dick Head - "You know, you gay people, you make me sick"

Me - "Well don't look at my phone then you fucking idiot"

and thats kinda how the conversation ended so I went up to go to the "toilet" and tried to find a spot free and on this occasion there was none, typical!!! Needless to say I had to grin and bear this unfashionable, odour smelling obnoxious prick for the rest of the flight!

How would you have dealt with someone like this? Not exactly the same scenario but having someone you don't know, never met and judge you based on what they see?

opinions 372387395722143283

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  1. WHOAAAAA!! What a dick!! I would have complained to the flight attendant, that the passenger next to you was making homosexual remarks as well as looking at your phone, and is there a way that you could be moved...or if he could be removed? and if not, can you please bring a lot of free booze, so that you could get all drunk and really tell that dickwad what you really thought of his ignorant ass! I would think that the airline would want to keep this situation as calm as possible so I am sure they would have removed the person or let you swap with someone...but blood is BOILING for you! i am not sure how you stayed calm!! Fire would have come out of my eyeballs and fried his face off!

    1. I know right!!!.... I looked to find a seat and was non spare and we were up in the air so nothing could have been done... I just sat there and DROWNED him out.... the worst thing of it all is... it was in Business Class... you don't expect that from people like that....


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