
15 things I will do to get my own TV show....

Good Morning, Evening, Afternoon or Goodnight depending on where you are in the world right now!

I am a fan of have guest bloggers on my site and also contributing on others - and this time I potentially could be contributing on the website which is a dating site for gay men and the website I met my partner of nearly 6 years :) also for you lesbianos!

They have asked me along with some others to write a posts on "15 things I will do to get my own TV show" which I think is very fitting as this would be something I would LOVE to do as per my twitter bio (on top of being a social media whore too)

Let's face it, getting on TV has become very difficult, you need attitude, charisma, charm and intelligence I mean look at those Big Brother lot, so much intelligence I bet NASA are shaking in their boots! No seriously though, getting on TV is a very competitive market and her is 15 things I would do to get my own TV show...

Create a sex tape 
Oh no wait lets be more creative here Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson have done this so its needs to be something a little more sophisticated... but in saying that there is no gay sex tape??? hmmmmm.. haha lets be more serious here...

Live in a "slum" for a month
I would live in a "slum" in India or Brazil for a Month for a reality TV project - let's face it we ALL take water, baths and even having 4 walls for granted and we see documentaries of the slums but people never living in them? We could always have a hotel on standby for the night times just like Bear Gryllls does?

Travel the World
For free.... yes for free! How good a TV show would that make!! I am pretty sure I could get around the world by blagging my way around it!! stick a TV Camera is someone’s face and - BING free flight or hotel room haha I can see me now running around every hotel in Perth trying to stay the night because I can’t get a flight anywhere...

Swap lives
Now THIS would be a great experiment - swapping life's with someone else, living their life with their family, friends, job, car, house and lifestyle! Can you imagine the possibilities swapping with a multi-millionaire spending the day on his $50million boat OR a farmer and shovelling horse s*** out the paddocks lol... I would sqeel like a big girl if I had to do that!!! YAK!

Go undercover
a TV show where you are secretly being filmed - I know the likes of "Ali G" and "Jackass" have been done but this sure as damn it would be heaps of fun to do although I can’t imagine getting smacked in the face would make good TV as this is probably what would happen to me! Or join an "anti-gay" group to get an insight into why they are the way they are!

Become famous
A tv show following me on my journey to success, stardom, fame and money! Move over Perez Hilton because Daddy is coming to get ya! - ok maybe not to that extreme but that could be funny? hmmmm maybe not... moving on

Video Bomb
So you've heard of Photo Bombing - you jump into random photos - well Video Bombing a live TV show!! YES! now THAT is one way to guarantee you get on TV. Imagine it sitting in the audience and during the live show taping you just go and sit my skinny white arse in between the girls on "The Circle" and start chatting and then watching me getting THROWN off haha

I would get as many loans, Credit Cards and money as I could and spend it all creating a fake outlandish lifestyle in order to get rich friends and get in with the rich and famous!! That way I may end up if $150,000 worth of debt but it will pay dividends when I become famous for doing nothing and in turn getting my own TV show!!

Live in LA
Fly to LA and call myself a "dancer" "singer" or "actor" because everybody in LA is one of these even if they work in a coffee shop - that way I will get a leading role or release a solo song with a catchy tune, a stupid dance routine and sing about how drinking coffee makes me feel good!!!

Adjusting and not yourself tends to get you pretty much anywhere in life especially if your good at adapting to the environment or people you are around and that comes with my job! You have to speak with people in their way in order to let them let us in to their little bubble - oh my! This became quite a serious one hmmm I kinda like it!

Although I am 23 I don't "live" to the extend I probably should - I have to many fears, I think way to deeply into things and I don't "live" For example - I won’t go into the sea in case I get eaten by a shark or I won’t do a parachute jump in case the the second chute fails because the first one already has! I have a huge number of fears and maybe trying to kirb these mofo's would help me get my own TV show? TO HELL WITH IT! Maybe my TV show can be about this!? booyyeeahhh * rings channel 10 *

Use people
By saying "use people" I don't mean literally use them but I mean surrounding myself with the right people, in the right industry who can help me achieve this.... the TV biz is no "audition" industry not solely an audition industry - its more of a who you know kind of industry, so if I really wanted my own TV show that bad I would be flirting with the right people and standing on-top of the wrong ones this may sound nasty but reality is this and unfortunately people will sleep with people to get somewhere... not all the time but a lot of the time!

Be "socially" accepted
By this I mean be a social media WHORE who loves Facebook, twitter and all those kind of sites... I don't love these sites I NEED these sites... I sometimes think I should go to REHAB for this I honestly can't keep away from it! I think also the more followers/likes on Facebook the more out there you become! I have over 1000 likes on FB and over 13,000 on twitter! I am actually the 31st most followed person in Perth ;) but again let’s face it there is only 35 people living in Perth lol

Take over the WORLD!
haha this WILL get me my own TV show... Watch out Osama... oh no wait - he is dead isn’t he?

I would do a heap of things to get my own TV show - I love to chat, socialise and be funny! I make people laugh, smile and feel good - don't mean to blow my own trumpet an all but this is what I’m told. I would do Big Brother, I would live in a slum and yes I would even contemplate tackling my fears head on - but the one thing I would do with pride, honour and with my dignity in tact - is be myself 100% I wouldn't be fake in anyway shape or form... 

Now I have wrote this and as much as I would like to be a contributor its made me think that I could create my own little "YouTube" TV show and tackle my fears haha... lets see how today goes firs!!

Much love xoxo

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