
yeah so where do I start?

*coff coff*

Yeah, so, ermmmm where do I start?

Firstly sorry its been a while since my last post - I have been nothing but busy what with a 3 week break out of Australia, Christmas, New Year and January has been a SHOCKER of a month!

I have still got emails and noticed people still looking at my old material and this year is a magic year as my blog will be 2 years old. I have moved to Perth and been trying to get my blog out here and working toward obtaining the same momentum I did in Sydney, which lets be honest isn't that easy! along with being way to busy with work but 2013 is my year ob Mind, Body & Soul. So this year is all about me (well when isn't it lol)

2012 saw me somehow have the "want" to go to the gym so I have now long over 20kg - wooooooop - and I am now just under 90kg I am 6" 4 so I hold it quite well ;) so now this year its time to bulk on (he says sat here eating a kingsize kit kat) I have noticed a difference in definition a little so just taking pictures weekly to make sure I notice it and spur me on - you can see them at a website called bodylog - its basically an online before and after site to track your progress but allows you to follow others and give them "kudos" for changes/pictures and its good inspiration too :) check out mine HERE

Unfortunately I lost a close friend of mine just over a week ago and her funeral is 22nd January and I couldn't be there, I will write something and post it tomorrow as my way of saying goodbye and my last final words to her :) she was a great friend and I have nothing but fond memories of her - she was just 28 with a 1 year old daughter... She was apart of our Power Rangers gang along with Harry and one of my sisters - long story but it was awesome fun :D I love her and miss her so R.I.P Hayley Marie :) xxxx

2013 is going to be a big year for myself and my partner with lots going on although I am HEAPS excited to be going back to the UK for a trip in December to see all my friends and family!

Over and out for now but I wanted to check in and just keep you updated and let you know I am back and ready to carry on posting again :D

Much Love xoxox
Happy New Year 7341120911387575789

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