
To Be Happy or Not To Be Happy That Is The Question.....

Are you happy... ask yourself?

I sometimes sit, dream and wonder why I am here! Wonder what I am supposed to do with my life! I always want more... More money, all the latest gadgets, nice cars, nice house and am never content with what I have

Yes it's ok to dream and work hard for these things but not want want want. Go and look at what I want again and tell me what you think is missing... If you can't see you might think the same as me. I'm missing fun, love, crying, laughing, smiles and most importantly health. This is because I take them for granted and don't realise how important these are in life.

Some of you may wonder why I have wrote this or you might be like fair enough or better yet think I'm some kind of hippy weed smoking wierdo (nope I save this for Friday nights haha) but it's non of the above, I'm listening to a DJ called Axwell whilst I'm on my home on the ferry watching this beautiful scenery Sydney has to offer (beats the M25 for sure) it's actually a dance remix of Temper Traps - Sweet Dispostion .... One line has made me realise some important things -

**A moment, a life, a dream, a lie, a kiss, a cry, a right, a wrong**

This is what life is about - we all should life for the MOMENT not worry about the future - we should live our LIFE that's what we are put on earth to do - it's ok to DREAM who doesn't work hard and you will get it - we shouldn't LIE all the time but we all do don't we!? - we all need a KISS and a hug some times it puts smiles on our face - we CRY often some more than others it's normal to cry -  RIGHTs and WRONGs can be a whole other blog but you get where im going.

I was just having one of lifes moments and as I'm sharing my life I thought I should share - I'm a 20 something year old man who is still tryin to find more about himself is this something I should do!? Focus on what matters more than gadgets, car and money!?

Time to take a good long look at what I DO have and focus on making myself happy and not
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