
Don't hang up on you friend until the FULL story is explained...A MUST READ!

Sorry dating101blog I had to use times and dates to explain the story!!! :(

Tuesday 8th February 2011
06:30am – gets a text from a friend (happy been partnered for a while now) she is pretty drunk – she has been speaking to a guy and been flirting and talking to him – he buys her drinks, he seduces her they swap numbers.

09:00am – I arise out of my pit to see a this text – immediately text back “don’t be a bint, ring me” – no reply

10:00am – no reply or call

12pm – still now phone call – ok so I panic

1:30pm she calls – sounds like an old man!.. hungdog for sure!!!... she went into a little more detail and explains – I met this guy – talk, dark, tanned and a 6 pack to die for (i dribble) Australian and very flirtatious – they flirt, they dance he buys her drinks (just like it should be *high five*) then they swap numbers! She promised no kissing or dirty touching was involved – “girl you are playing with FIRE, bad move to the new year” delete delete delete... who agrees – she is happily partnered etc – she hangs up! WTF!

Wednesday 9th February 2011
1pm we meet for lunch explaining she is going on a date – we have a little debate which turns into a slagging match (see love, lust and sex also affects friendships) she storms off leaving ME to pay the bill.

6pm she texts “I’m sorry love – forgive me” I ignore this

Thursday 10th February 2011
We still not talking

Friday 11th February 2011
1:50pm I finally text asking how she is – she is ok still going on the date!! AS. IF.
2:30pm I text her back asking just to be careful – as much as I don’t want her on this date it’s her life and not mine
11pm – I receive a text from her “heyyy babe I’m still out with the girls, I’m staying with them” I KNOW she isn’t therefore I KNOW this wasn’t meant for me!!!

Saturday 12th February 2011
9am – I tell her to text me asap to let me know what’s going on!! I’m worried sick and she is a tit if she went home with him!

No reply ALL DAY!

Sunday 13th February 2011
1pm I call her on my lunch break – she starts blubbing – the worst had happened – she slept with him!! – I couldn’t believe it!... something I thought she would never do! I tell her I’m at work and that I have to go.

Monday 14th February 2011
I ring her for the low down and told her to tell me ev!

She tells me to listen – I listen, I screw up my face – I cry – this bloke had decided to slip her drugs in her drinks! She didn’t reply on day 5 as was in hospital with her boyfriend – she tells me to carry on with the story that she was out with the girls!

All I know is my friend was hurt! And I didn’t listen when she tried to tell me!... she shouldn’t have gone on this date – but surely she does not deserve this?

Happy Valentines Day!!
Love 8644419938713888186

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