
Was it all a dream?

Twas the night before Christmas, all the children were tucked up in bed and the Christmas tree was lit up in red.... oh hang on a second, sorry, i'm still away with the fairies after watching such a captivating and dream like show!

Last night I was lucky enough to be one of 20 invited social media guests for a VIP Social Media Night under the White Big Top at Belmont Race Course! I will be honest I wasn't sure about the show, I hadn't read anything, watched any clips or viewed any pictures, but boy was I amazed at what 2 legged and 4 legged creatures can do! I say 2 legged creatures as some of the stunts/performances you see really are, well out of this world!

Upon arrival we were escorted into the fabulous Rendez-Vous tent where there was a selection of hot & cold food, a great selection of beverages and some yummy pre-show treats! (all included as part of the VIP Rendez-Vous packages)

Pre-show was a great chance to network with all social media invited guests, sports/tv & radio personalities as well as speaking with Eric who has been travelling and working with Cavalia for a massive amount of time, he explained there are 43 horses from 12 different breads and are all male (now I wouldn't like to be in the paddock with all that horse like testosterone flying around) He explained his love and passion for his job and how because they travel and spend so much time together they are like a family "it sounds cheesy but it's true" he said and he explained the bonds that they have with the horses, which let me tell you shows throughout the entire show!

The show at first starts a little slow to get you drawn in an engaged and as the show furthers on the tricks and stunts get trickier and the horses, well just become mind blowing! We all know how hard it is to train a dog right? even the comand "Sit" takes what seems forever, I mean jesus even teaching a dog its name takes forever! So when you watch this show you really can appreciate just how mind blowing it is that the horses do what they do, sometimes without a trainer even on stage with them!

From jumping over horses whilst they are galloping, to running on a ball to snowing and raining inside this show is absolutely fantastic! I don't want to give to much away because the show is still in Perth until January 26th and you can buy your tickets HERE but trust me if you haven't already seen it you must go!

Opening scene where human meets horse, beautiful and simple scene

Acrobats with a live singer, such beauty an elegance even if these ladies are machines!

It's not everyday you see a guy on a galloping horse whilst jumping from each side!

Another beautiful scene showing the truly inspiring bond between human and horse!

Such control of each and every horse in this scene, the movement, leg work and techniques are truly amazing! 

the "Mirror Scene" I wont give to much away but the control in this scene was phenomenal! Who would of thought two beautiful women and two beautiful horses with such a simple yet complex idea would be so engaging! 

Special backstage tour of the paddocks and to meet the cast and horses! This was my favorite artist you will see in the show she is CRAY CRAY!

This show is perfect for the kids, teens, parents, couples and older generation! it's a fantastic show which contains theater, comedy, stunts and tricks! You DO NOT have to be a horse lover to enjoy the show, but what you do need to understand is the effort, love and dedication the artists/trainers put into the horses, the bond between them really does show in every single scene! You can see the horses are well looked after, the ears are up and forward and are having a great time!

So why not use the promo code below and get yourself some tickets before it leave's Australian shores and heads to Abu Dhabi!

Cavalia - Under the White Big Top, Belmont Racecourse, Perth

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