
It's getting hot up in here!

With Perth heading into 38 - 40 degree heat for the next 4 days I decided to put together a little list of do's and don't for this weekend! Nothing serious, I mean i'm not your mother but, well OK I kind of am!

It's getting hot in here so take off all your clothes.... actually please don't
I know, I know its summer and you want to get a tan, we all do but there is no need to be walking around the streets with your short shorts and no tops or your bikini's - Perth is NOT Miami if it was we would all be on skates or some stupid mode of transport! In all seriousness the heat is real intense, yes other countries get this heat but just remember the sun is stronger here in Australia (due to that poxy hole in the o-zone layer) Just be careful and maybe Slip, Slap, Slop more often of higher factors!

Just sit in door's with the air con on
Go home tonight, turn your air-con ON and leave it on all weekend. There is nothing better than walking in from a stupidly hot day to a house that is like the North Pole - or America with its Polar Vortex. Make sure when you come back home that you don't need to leave again because walking out from the North Pole back into the Sahara Dessert is totally not ideal... pfffffffffttttt cue runny nose and a cold!

Me man, me drink beer!
Invite your mates over that don't have air-con and tell them to bring beer! There is two reasons for this
A - You get to show off your air-con
B - I guarantee you that you will be left with a fridge full of beer!

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming!
Yes I totally just did quote from "Finding Nemo" If you are lucky enough use the pool be careful that you make sure your sun screen is fully absorbed by the skin, you don't want to get out of the pool and see a layer of sun screen on your pool do you? Oh and also you don't want for it to come off and get burnt too! (i'm lucky that from 2/3pm my pool is completely in shade hallelujah, praise the lord!)

Take a #selfie
Last but by no means least... remember the all important "look i'm having a good time and your not" selfie! You know the one with you by the pool, at the beach, with your mates or, to rub it in those "I have no aircon" people's faces, a selfie stating how cool you are with your air-con!

All jokes a side its going to to really hot this weekend, if you do go out just slap on more often than usual and maybe a higher factor. Keep your clothes off as the UV is going to be pretty extreme this weekend and if you choose to drink just be careful! People can die of heatstroke - I did twice! KIDDING!
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