
The Mask Slips ;)

so am some of you may be aware. I had a "lovley" mention in a post from a fellow blogger saying I potentially copied her etc blah blah... No? I hear you say well check it out HERE...

So I defended myself to this blogger (whom I new was writing it) with the following email.

Since this occured we have been talkign back and fourth and helpign each other out with tips n hints etc. Today I replied to an email and forgot to delete the signature and she now know's who I am... Ooooops. Not because I didnt want her to know I just didnt want anybody to know. I hope she can keep this to herself so we shall see.
I feel your blog has a slight point - in the fact that we share the same layout - if im honest out of the small 100 layouts the Bueno layout is by far the best one!... I new you had it and thought ill change it - hench the custom text, picture and colour - this OBVIOUSLY wasnt enough!!... I have reverted back to the horribly bog standard template which I hope meets your satisfaction?

There is no need to get funny with me as I am only doing what you are doing - and yes I have followed a few of the same you followed i.e majority are public magazine (sorry i say the word PUBLIC again) and sorry for following your brother and bestfriend - I will remove your brother immedatley and please do tell me who your best friend is so I can remove them to - i was literally following anyone with a blog/site - unfortunatley im not the best user of twitter I dont know how to search for people - i am litterally going to follow all that have blogs and all bars, resturant cafes etc etc blah blah.

Now as you can imagine if we ARE sharing the same interest, then its 100% guranteed that we will follow the same people - which means yes i will probably comment or retweet their tweets to!.. its just common sense im afraid. as for are you being a princess - no your only voicing your opinion - but it I do think you could have contacted me directly like this and said what you needed to say.

Look your a nice girl - good wit and I hope your blog gets bigger and better! - but please don't think im copying you because.... its not what I do and I dont want you to get caught up in thinking I am :)
ssdd 901695189069012430

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