
Review: Grandmas Bar, Sydney

No-one spoils you more than Grandmas
Grandma's Bar on Urbanspoon

No signs, no flashing lights, no gimmicks this is Grandmas Bar, a Hidden Treasure in Sydney CBD. The only way you know this is a bar is a very approachable doorman and 3 small windows about 50cms high from the ground up. You walk into the doorway, down a few stairs to be greeted by funky wallpaper - kind of retro meets 70's with a deer's head on the wall - down a few more stairs (by a few I mean like 5 so leave ya hikeing boots at home).

Grandmas Rocking Chair
Before you get in the bar you are greeted by a gorgeous rocking chair, with a small coffee table accompanied by a bowl of cotton balls - now picture your Grandma on her rocking chair on her veranda outside her front door, rocking back and fourth nitting you that Raindeer jumper you always wanted for christmas - straight away you feel like you've just been sent back 50 years. With the rustic walls behind the chair and a "family air loom" blanket draped over the chair it's already inviting.

To the left of the chair is a table and holds hawaiian cocktail books, grandma cook books and old style books which starts to make you feel nostalgic with a modern twist as this suggest Tiki Party comes Grandmas 60th! You then come to the bar (still following the rustic wall feel and also random 70's style wallpaper) The Bar is clean, tidy and friendly. You are greeted by Grandmas "Grandchildren" (this is the bar staff obvs) who are more friendly than any other bar staff I have met yet in Sydney. This is where I met James - Owner/Manager of the bar - such a nice genuine happy guy! made me and my friend VERY welcome. I decided to try the Raspberry Moscow Mule - a nice, sweet cocktail to ease me out of my working week blended with Grandmas homemade ginger beer. My friend new EXACTLY what she as drinking - its was Atomic Punch - my friend

Ultimate Mai Tai - Flaming Fabulous!

loves her champagne, and saw that this was topped with champagne so that was it decided! I asked her to sum up her drink in a little sentence and she described it as "A summer breeze in a tall glass, a fab lazy afternoon knock off drink to ease you into the weekend" (ok so I couldn't of said it any better myself). We then stood and watched James make the cocktails whilst using home made touches, personally sourced fresh ingredients and a tad of enthusiasm. We were served them on paper doyles (the ones that are in your Grandmas house made out of cotton usually has a pot of tea on it - yup thats them) Just yet another homely touch. So much thought has gone into every detail in this bar, even the small finer details other bars tend to forget thinking nobody will notice but are the things people will always remember!.

Now its a cute boutique type bar, not huge in size, but what it lacks in size it grabs with personality. Whilst I was writing notes down, catching up with my friend and of course enjoying my gorgeously made cocktail - by who I will say where good looking Grandchildren (ermmm sounds a bit twisted when you put it like that aye ha!) We then sat up on what can only be described as burnt orange and red cushions at the back of the bar - It was time we got new drinks - Cue the Ultimate Mai Tai - two words Flaming Fabulous - which they had set alight at the bar (they usually do this at your table but was too busy for this) with the hew of cinnamon and the sweet but this time stronger taste my pallet was having a party! We also got a Royal Hawaiian - a nice fresh pineapple taste followed by a nice kick of the fun stuff!

We got talking to a group of 4 who we shared this U shaped bench seat with and asked them how they new of Grandmas and what they thought of it and why they liked it. "We know of Grandmas by word of mouth through a friend at work. We like the way it feels cosy and warm and the cocktail list and service is what we keep coming back for, I mean the cocktail list changes weekly your never bored" another said "We heard about it through Facebook and Twitter" At this point James came over as had a few minutes to chat. I asked why he had decided on the name Grandmas and his simple but effective answer was "We wanted a concept that meant we spoilt our guests with fun, cocktails and atmosphere and nobody spoils you like Grandma does" which pretty much describes this establishment down to a T!
Grandma's Bar

James has been managing Bars around the world for 10 years and decided it was his time to shine in the hospitality industry, if I have any opinion James - you've taken what 90% of places are missing and put them all together and created something truly different that Sydney CBD needed. To my amazement the group of 4 I earlier spoke with had finished their drinks, one of them was getting up to head to the bar and James asked what they wanted and done a table service - don't be shocked if this happens to you on your visit but don't expect table service all the time! this place gets busy!

Myself and my friend decided to finish our drinks with a Nuclear Dalquiri - you will understand why they use "Nuclear" in this title! - it blew our head off! a fabulous drink to finish the evening of catch up off with! Something I would like to point out is every time I went to the bar - James knew my name  and every grandchild was always smiling and we're also having fun - again little things that people remember! Whether its a catch up with a friend, a chilled drink or a buck-wild evening Grandmas is one place that's open minded - a place where you can be you - No signs, no flashing lights, no gimmicks this is Grandmas Bar, a Hidden Treasure

Grandmas Bar, Sydney - Basement, 275 Clarence Street

Retro-sexual haven of cosmopolitan kitsch and faded granny glamour. The home you always wished you had. A temple to good booze and a testament to the fact that drinking is fun, entertaining and enjoyable.

Opening Times and Dress Code

Mon-Fri:   12:00-00:00
Sat:           17:00-00:00
Sun:          Private Hire Only

Dress code is relaxed so if its heel, thongs (flip flops), trainers, short, dresses or business attire you are welcome!

Contact Them

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Address - Basement, 275 Clarence Street, Sydney
Contact - (02) 9264 3004

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  1. i wanna try that grandmother rocking chair :-) mai tai looks pretty spectacular


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