
Same. Shit. Different. Shovel.

so its now the second month of the year, and it has now been 3 months since the first incident of the bitchy emailss from fellow work collegues which I might add when brought up was shrugged off. I left that particular incident and laid it to rest.

My counter part who I work on the same desk with has now gone away on holiday, so I have had his emails attached to my inbox like he had when I was away, so we can make sure stuff gets dealt with asap just incase. As soon as I added his inbox to my inbox I noticed and email from another member of staff with my name "Paul" in the subject.... hmmmmm i thought to myself, how very interesting! so I read the email (i mean if you saw the subject wouldnt you) cut a hugggggeeeee email short, basically 4 members or staff and 1 not so much are sending bitchy emails to each other about me.... with my nickname as Sid.... for those who watched toy story the first one, Sid is the horrible kid who rips up toys, i no this as they refer to me and this "Sid" in the same email. I know this because of the first email it made me want to read on, and on and on on on on and found lots of these emails... common sense tells me you would delete these emails wouldnt you!!?? obviously not!!....

soooo... these are snippets of what was said in the emails

The slag wrote "I want him dead" in one email

The toothless twat refers to me as "Gaybod" "SID" "annoying" etc etc

A the so called HR Manager was saying that my presence makes her itchy and she also was sending the picture of "SID" to the staff!!!

and then other stupid arse comments!... so im in a predicament which means I now feel uncomfortable going to work!!... what would you guys do?? My partner Micheal says I need to take to boss and A the so called HR Manager into a meeting first thing Monday Morning and tell them about it and hand in my notice...

NOW for those who read this, I need YOUR advice, words of wisdom or even info you may know about where I stand with this in Australia!!...

Their time is up now!! enough is enough.....
me 6365869520306976779

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