
Chocolate is like....

I was eating my weekly treat of Dairy Milk just had my dinner and took 5 minutes to reflect whilst having chocolate melt in my mouth !!

For some reason I was thinking about how chocolate is like certain elements in life for example Chocolate is not good for you but it tastes like it should be!... Dya not think its reasonable to say that some friendships/relationships are similar to this?
Chocolate is like a bad relationship its not good for you yet it feels like it should?
Is that how some relationships can be summed up? What about friendships
Chocolate is like friendships - sometimes can leave a bitter taste in your mouth but most of the time leaves you satisfied and happy?
I can certainly agree with my own quotes because I have friendships like that where after them you feel like you could punch them in the face or are left angry, but majority of the time the friends who are in my life leave me happy and content and thats why they are there. 

I would like to get your quotes starting with "Chocolate is like...." let me see what you can come up with. I will publish the best quotes I receive from you guys - this ends on 28th March 2011

E-mail me your quotes to
Love 5732111190661058858

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