
Time for some truth on how I felt!!!

As you are probably aware if you read my blog often, I say things how I see them, I don't beat around the bush. Some people don't like this! pfffffft wotevs!... I just speak what people think!

You may also be aware I use this as a journal, diary, keepsake or however you call it. I do mention people who impact my life either positive or negative - We need people that do both or our life wouldn't be real - but I was not expecting to meet as many negative people as I have so far!.... I have now been off work for one week and have had time to sit, chill and de-stress which was MUCH needed! I worked with a few bo-zo's for a while. You know who i'm on about the people a lot of you e-mailed me about giving me your advice on how to deal with it etc. Know i've had time to think about how things could have been dealt with there, and yeah until now it has been affecting me, they are probably going to read this but not arsed! They are probably loving the fact they affected me, and that's where i'm different to them! I can admit it. Imagine going into work and hearing yourself being talked about, slagged off in an e-mail or think you have found a good friend who you get on with really well, and even share a bed with - I de-bugged the bed sheets and bed don't you worry haha - who when is in tears crying about stuff SUCK IT UP! - if they treated me like that no I wonder how they treated others - I sit with them and try and help. I would even buy an expensive Swarovski Crystal pen!... and since then slagged me off behind my back MASSIVELY yet still uses the pen!!...

I'm glad I have good friends around me who are there and able to help. Ruth plays a HUGE part in this and for that I thank you and I hold you close to me more than you will know!!! I only met Ruth in November 2010 and she has been a huge help and impact on me here in Sydney!... Vajazzle baybay yeah boi ;) lol... private joke! I think what i'm trying to say is moving your life to anther city/country or continent is going to be really hard work and your going to meet prats along the way to make life more difficult, but because you are vunerable you see and pick out the bad things more than you usally would and having a great support network be it 1, 3 or 10 people helps big time! I'm lucky I have found someone who help me and vice versa and I see us being very good friends!...

I'm usually a fab judge of character but being "needy" for friendship (coming from a HUGE social background in the UK) has this made my guards go down completely? I'm not sure but I've met some people I wish I never had because of this and my partner even said be careful of so n so - again back to this support network you have for a reason!! tut tut! I'm not going to lie the last 4 months? going back to November have been the worst yet with work and negative people in my life. The negativity was out weighing the positive. THIS WILL CHANGE BELIEVE ME! - WATCH ;) lol @ Ruth!!

All I can say is who is the laughing last - I now can afford to still have a social life with positive influences and new people I recently met - Emma, Kat and Racheal - as well as the oldies ;) pay my rent  and not work until December 2011 - January 2012 nothing is better than that

So to those who made my last 4 months miserable with all your bullying, bullshit, lies and immaturity - I rise my glass to you whilst i'm on the beach - ching ching!!! :D
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