
A fab end to a long week!

So now I'm doing weekly posts on not being negative and turning it into positives. This is the 12th day off the challenge

I've had a long week this week! argh! As some of you aware I lost my job just over a month ago if you haven't seen this Click Here for the post about what happened.

Because I had time to reflect on what had happened over the past months and after being greeted by some tool a week ago asking me "Where did it all go wrong" and "to find out so I can better my self as a person" err hello! I decided to think about the questions he asked me where it all went wrong. As I had been relaxed and had the time I decided I would e-mail my boss my thoughts and opinions on how I felt. Since leaving the company I worked for I have had 3 situations which brings complete clarity on the immaturity of 3 of the staff there. Here is a summary of what has happened

  • That tool put his 2 cents in when it wasn't asked for
  • I go out and happened to be in the same bar as the 3 and one asks another guy to punch me in the face (he didn't he asked me my name, told me his and we shook hands)
  • I get an e-mail from an ex employee saying I had left and when I asked how they new they said someones status
All this has happened since I left so with all this I am perfectly happy with the fact I don't work with them. Bare in mind now that I was the youngest employee. Yes, Yes readers they were all older than me 25+ would you believe. Recruitment is a funny game if you don't fit in or your different then your screwed. I don't go out drinking with people from work as I don't want my private life involved and I get told I'm not being a team player! WTF!

I am better than them, I mean I'm getting my defacto Permanent Residency Visa, I'm going to do a course in Events Management and I'm going to do a job I enjoy and not a job that I enjoy because of the $$$ I get from it. I have my WHOLE life ahead of me I only got into recruitment so I could move here with it and so I can not worry about money. I am a good recruiter and I earn good $$$ but is it worth the stress and strains and it making you ill? an putting you in hospital? NO! Never. My complete outlook on life since working with them 3 tools has changed MASSIVELY. 

I would rather do a job I enjoy rather then working for the $$$ ... what about you? do you agree?

If you wish share your posts about your negative or positive experience's at work. I would love to have a read of them. Do you do Events Management? Please share your posts or site so I can see what YOU do in the world of Events.

P.S did I mention I had an interview yesterday to ;)

Onwards and Upwards Yippppeeee!!! apart from I am hung dog today lol other than that YIPEEEE!!

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