
People + Categories = Prejudice, lies and Stereotypes

Since the age of what... 12 I think I was always put in the "Gay" category - which I expect at school, if your, lesbian, gay, foreign, fat, to thin, albino or anything else that isn't what you all call "Normal" you get put in a category. A Category you can never escape. Then within these category's you get Stereotypes - Stereotypes you also create. 

I need to point out that I for one am not a stereotype. I also know many people that are not stereotypes. I am a human being with feelings, emotions and a brain! I write this because I lay in bed after hearing my name again put into a category yet again. "Tony the gay one" I've had this for years and I am fed up! Sick to the back teeth of it I lie awake thinking about it and decided to get out of bed to write this post. I spoke to my boyfriend about it tonight and he said "There will always be people in the world like that and you just have to accept it"... No.. no I shouldn't and won't have to accept it maybe they should, for once, accept us.

I never EVER when talking about people put them in a category i.e. Oh Hannah my Albino friend or Do you know Racheal the Muslim girl I don't even do it for to people I don't like. if you search it in Wikipedia it comes up "Human Beings Should Not Be Put in a Category" Maybe I am sensitive, maybe I am over the top or maybe just maybe I am standing up for myself and how I feel. 

To people who are reading this who don't want to be a category, a stereotype or maybe you are someone who hasn't come out to friends or family yet. STUFF FUCK categories and FUCK stereotypes. I know how you all feel as I was once there. You WILL come up against people who categorise you and treat you differently but you DON'T have to accept it. Hold your head up high, and say to Yourself "I am _______ and I am proud of who I am, I am proud of who I have become and I am proud of what I will achieve" Never let people drag you down and be happy, follow your dreams and surround yourself with positive people :)

I dedicate this to a few people who have the same attitude as me and because of them I am who I am today. My mum and my family, my UK Best Friends - Miss H, Miss H and Miss L and my Ozzie Best Friend Miss R, My really close friends Mr K, Mrs L, Miss G and also my amazing boyfriend Mr I - without you guys I would have cracked and for that I love you all!

Just remember be who you are not what people make you feel you should be!

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  1. Have been reading your blog for awhile it's good
    But really felt I needed to comment on this one
    A great piece and so so true
    Thank you
    And feel free to pop over and check out my blog I am just a beginner but we all start somewhere

  2. aw! Thanks!.... I like the blog :) if you want a hand with any layout or plugins etc let me know :) xoxo


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