
Never Goodbye its see you later - Point + Shoot

WOW! another week has FLOWN by! I mean I can't believe its April already! 9 months until Christmas haha... but more importantly its 1 months until my 22nd!! YAY!

This weekend I had the pleasure of spending time with 2 good friends who are sadly going back to the UK now they have finished their 6 month secondment. It has been an amazing 6 months knowing them and below are some pictures of the evening

lol I have no idea why I took this photo - I thought it looked nice with the candles and the view of the beach!! haha lol

This is a picture I took as I found out how to do it with my camera to enable me to focus on the front and blur behind it! I love my toy's can you tell!... this picture I think symbolises where we live down to a T as we always in the garden having BBQ's with candle light looking at the beach and hearing the waves crash on the beach, so for that reason I thought I would put it in this post as it is a big symbol of where to couple leaving had once lived :)

I wanted to buy them a present but was conscious of the fact they where flying back to the UK with limited KG's and all that! so I thought what better way than make a cake - yes guys I made that cake in the pic!! haha good times! from scratch and it tasted moist and springy!! I don't know why I did candles but hey! there is always an excuse

This is a group photo with the majority of the people we live with. Another girl was here but she went downstairs to Skype with parents. I really do wish you both all the best with you new start in the UK. New Jobs, New Apartment with a New Outlook.

Good Luck Guys

Point and Shoot now has a new home!! Click Here to find out more!! :)

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  1. Thanks for joining in Tony, great to come across your blog for the first time too! Super impressed you made a cake, especially from scratch!

  2. Hey! Thanks :) yes and yours! Keep up the goo work :)... Oh yes!! My Cake went down a storm haha!! xoxo


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