
Can life change overnight?

My life has changed, I mean literally went to bed feeling like I wanted to go home, stressed out with the Permanent Residency, lost paper work and because of reason can't work until my Permanent Residency is through. I felt like I was suffocating

The day the way I felt all changed is May 4th, funnily enough yes that's my birthday. But can life change overnight? I wake up and felt different, can't describe it, but just different. I felt happier, lighter, fresher and ready for what ever the day could bring, maybe it being my birthday kind of helped. as stupid as it sounds got an e-mail reply to a question I asked over a week ago about a ticket for a party, to which I got the reply on my birthday saying I was in luck, not only that I didn't pay full value FAB! I met up with Miss J and she got the first room she looked at as we were house hunting. We then decided to go to Bondi Beach and have a BBQ instead of going for lunch.

Amongst other little things that all help, I just feel generally happy and different. Why is is? What has changed for me to feel like this? Could it be because I am finally back to ones self? Or could it be because I am finally de-stressed. Although I may have a "bad attitude" and also can be very opinionated could this have added to how I felt?

With all these questions going round and round in my head I decided to actually take "responsibility" for things that have happened in the past, although I may not have "started" some of it or at least I don't think I did but I defiantly added fuel to the fire. I was venerable, down and ill and became over sensitive but maybe that why I feel "different" maybe its because I have opened up and grown up a little more and realised in order to succeed I need to take responsibility for myself and ones actions!

To anybody I have pissed of unintentionally and whom haven't spoken up and let me know I'm Sorry and for those I annoyed or irritated to which caused fall outs I'm Sorry.

We only life one life, so how about let's life it to the fullest and have fun with it!!

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