
Pat yourself on the back once in a while

We all have very busy schedules in life weather your a full time mum or dad to somebody who works. We all get stressed out to the bone right? Not all the time but more often than not - it happens to the best of us - do you ever feel that you never have that "Me Time".

Do you feel like your always doing things for other people i.e. looking after kids, staying late for the boss, cooking for a loved one or just general day to day stuff but don't have time for you, then STOP!! Stop it now and make time for yourself get your husband/boyfriend/wife/girlfriend/babysitter to look after the kids and go out with the girls/lads for lunch/dinner. Go and have some fun life is to short to worry about the future. Everybody has to has that "Me Time" to sit and look at your life and to think "Yeahh, i've accomplished this" relax in a spa with champagne or at a footie game, do whatever you want.

Now you probably thinking "I haven't got the time" you have! would your mum not look after the kids? would your boss not mind if you used a day's holiday OR even finished on time to meet your friends for dinner? You need to pat yourself on the back every once in a while. You need to feel fresh and revived and find the time to love yourself. As my yoga teacher once said to me spend 5-10 minutes every day telling yourself how good you look, how well you've done and how much you have achieved in life even this can help! It makes you feel better and gives you that me time... surely we all have 10 minutes a day we can use for this! Trust me! it helps...

Something a bit like this!

I am use to be insecure, not confident and wasn't sure if I was making right decisions in life but by doing this it make you feel better, not straight away and feels weird at first - but honestly try it! now not a lot of people (only one of my uk friends Miss H) knows I do this lol... so my mum and boyfriend will laugh at me!.... seriously put your feet up, grab a tea/coffee/champers/beer etc and think happy about yourself - tell yourself things.. go on I dare you.. Get Involved....and tell me what you think/feel after a few days :)

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