
Could it not be you?

It's been a while since I did a deep in depth opinion post ! so today whilst I was out, catching bits of people conversations and from reading other peoples blogs whilst Ian was doing his tough blokey thing! (pics to follow at some stage in my life) I realised I wanted to do one!!

I read a few blogs and a few of you go on about how your still single or the people you meet are total dooshbags and you've met them once or twice and then when you see them with someone else you get upset and call them a cheat - asuming your in a relationship after the first 5 seconds of your date!? I have to do it and ask do you not think it could be you?

For example - although the blog is a good read don't get me wrong - there is one blog I read and pretty much is about how this writer is finding love in Sydney, for a start your looking for love!? you don't look for it you let it look for you! they then go on about ho this person does this to them, this person does that to them. OMG I slept with a guy again after first/second date i'm such a fool etc etc! I don't mean to be funny you are your own worst enemy! Men and women will use you until they get what they want, take it and learn from it OR play on it! do the same, they need something then get what you want before you give in, No No! a relationship is not what you want from these people as you will never get it! So be it that you just think fuck it! you will do for a booty call! it's allowed isn't it?

But when you keep making these mistakes, falling for the same tricks or getting to attached to quickly and scaring of potentially the one guy/girl in a year or so that may actually like you then maybe you should look at yourself and think hmmmm right where do I go wrong and why?

This comes from one of my readers and a friend who ask me Where am I going wrong Tony!? I can't say I know. Some people presume because I am gay I'm a hot relationship expert, fashion designer (which believe you me I am not) or even hot - pffffft as if!... wotevs !! All I can say is my honest opinion which is you must be doing something to attract the total tools... Sniff Sniff... I think a smell, hang on, Sniff... yes I DO SMELL desperation! Imagine raw meat and a tiger... if I tiger smells meat it pounces! ... If someone can smell/see your desperation they will pounce and use it to their advantage! why wouldn't they!? They know your needy, they say and do what you want them to and then you = putty in their hands! Wake up and smell the coffee my lovely loyal readers!! knock knock!! time to put the foot down and play them at their own game OR just wait for someone to come knocking for you!

                                                                  met once - cheater
                                                   Desperdo                         I need a boyfriend
Desperate    Needy
                                               I smell skanks                            I'm clingy
                                                          I need a girlfriend

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