
7 Tips on How to be Successful in a Seemingly Unsuccessful World of Dating

So as you all know I enjoy having guests bloggers/writers on my blog... I never say no along as it goes with my lifestyle theme so when Amy Reynolds from an organisation who promotes safe dating of course I wasn't to say no! I have read her post and I totally get it, so true and as I read it I thought to myself "hmmm I think it but never act on it" so have a read and leave your comments... It's funny, quirky and what we are all thinking

If you’re single and unless you live in some sort of twistedly perfect storybook, it’s probably a safe assumption that you’ve encountered your fair share of monsters on the dating front.  It can be pretty scary out there, and with all of the complications that come along with dating in this day in age, it might be beneficial to get back to basics and highlight a few key dating tips that will help you in your quest for love and your escape from the lonely land of Singledom:

#1:  Get your mind right.  If you are fresh out of an 8 year relationship in which you were cheated on, taken advantage of, and had your tender heart ripped from your chest and then stomped on right before your love-sick eyes…I would suggest that jumping into a new relationship isn’t the best idea for you.  No matter what your situation is, if your head isn’t in the right place, ready and healthy for a new someone special in your life…it isn’t going to work out.  Simple as that.  So spend some quality “you” time and get back on track so you will be accepting of whatever new romance life is sure to throw your way!  Remember that optimistic, confident and positive people attract others with such qualities. 

#2:  Be yourself.  To attract someone who is truly the right fit for you, don’t be afraid to be who you are.  A good test of this is if you can’t act how you do in front of your closest friends, it probably isn’t a good match.  Be open about what you want, need, what makes you happy, sad, so on and so on.  Do not change for anyone—keep all of your same friends, hobbies, and activities.  Be open about the person you are and if someone is unaccepting of that, then they clearly are not worthy of your awesomeness.

#3:  Know what you want.  Are you dating to meet the love you’ve been dreaming of your entire life?  Are you looking for a casual Friday night movie partner?  Or are you looking to just hook up and call it quits afterwards?  Decide what you want first and make sure you are up front in communicating these wants to the person whom you are dating.  You don’t want to waste your time and it sure isn’t right to toy with someone else’s emotions by wasting their time as well.

#4:  Honesty is the best policy.  This is a rule that you’ve most likely heard your whole life and should be thought of as especially valuable when applied to relationships.  When building trust with another person it is important to be completely truthful about everything, as the truth tends to come out one way or the other. 

#5:  Be a little selfish sometimes.  I’m not saying completely blow off everyone else’s feelings for your own egotistically self-centered goals…I’m just saying that it’s okay to focus a bit on doing what makes you happy.  This means taking care of yourself and paying attention to you as a person.  If you are happy, you are prone to make others happy too.

#6:  Hold onto your values.  Get in touch with your inner self and if you haven’t done so already, become aware of your values.  Reflect upon these and then consider what kinds of values are important to you in someone who could potentially be a partner.  Your core values cannot be changed and if you try to do so or forget about them for the sake of another person, you are sure to encounter problems big enough to doom the relationship.

#7:  Forget about the past.  The dreaded past…we all have one.  And no one likes to think of it…but often times we find that it creeps up on us and gives us a nice slap in the face from time to pleasant time.  The thing you have to remember is that the past is the past and no matter what, it cannot be changed.  Your ex-relationships are exes for a reason.  It is important to leave them behind and not bring problems associated with former flames into your new relationship.  Learn from the past and use it to become a better person…and enjoy your fresh new dating life!

Amy Reynolds is a guest post author who shares with us her advice on dating and relationships.  You will find more of her work that covers topics such as this on Gay Dating Sites.  
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