
Not going to lie its been tough....

Well hello there bloggers!....

Firstly I want to say that I have missed this, you and my time ont his blog but beleive you me it's been hectic! Secondly I just want to say even thought I may not of been writing any posts I can see that it's still getting views and for that I appreciate your support for my blog! I even have had people on twitter asking when my next post is! So I love all your support :)

So as my current readers would know I got my Permanent Residency back in July and started I new job in August which has been going well. Shortly after I started I was off ill for over a week with laranjitus - jeez give me a cole or sore throat any day that killed me - and then a few weeks after that I was off back to the UK for 4 weeks for my sisters wedding which was absolutley beautiful. I also had my best mates wedding which was awesome and took my Mum to Paris for her birthday so was a manic trip amongst catching up with friends. I now have not long been back and decided I would check on the blog, twitter and facebook to which i then saw the love people are giving my blog.

I really do apologise for how lax I have been with it all and I know I had the competition going on but it all come at a bad time and getting into my new role took priority I guess, which is still no excuse!

It's ok though I am back!... i'm looking forward to what the future is holding!!!

Lot's of Love xxx

me 7629859666182565225

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