
The plot thickens..

For those who have been following me from the beginning - I use to work for an organisation when I first got here and was bullied about my sexuality by other employee's and also the manager of that office. I won't go into to much details but that is ALL you really need to know... the "HR Manager" was telling other staff my personal problems I told her in case it effected my work and they nicked name me Sid from Toy Story... it's actually very immature an laughable now but when you first get to a new country, you have no one to turn to and people are bullying you for being gay etc and then trying to get their mate to punch you in the head when they see you out you can imagine what it was like back then...

I made official complaints to the boss of the office about the other 4 staff but problem was the boss was involved so he had to take it to the director of the company - I then lost my job - forced out, sacked, left blah my employment ceased - kinda gutted as enjoyed the companies future.

Well you can imagine my shock when the Director of this company (they have UK offices, Australia, Dubai and other offices) contacted me direct asking me how I was and what I had been up to and told me that I quote "It was a shame you left us you done very well whilst with us" so you can imagine I was like... errr WTF???. It turns out my old boss didn't even MENTION it to him, he had no idea and since I have told him who was involved and what happened - but it this way he wasn't happy and since I left 90% of the people that were there are no longer- Karma is a bitch hey?? Imagine going from being a Manager of a office to selling Mobiles?? ouch! (I would like to point out nothing wrong with selling mobiles but to go from all the way up to well down the bottom again is massive Karma)

To all who is reading this - don't EVER lie or treat people like they are nothing because it only makes them stronger and come out on top... and always always remember to say thanks to people on the way up or you going to fall hard and have to kiss their arse when you come back down :)

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