
Life without a loved one...

Some of you maybe aware my partner of nearly 5 years has moved to Perth ahead of me to look after the brand new building which is opening soon (see here). I am finding it a little weird not having someone to come home to but my friends are being real good :) Me leaving has made me realise how many good friends I have made and will miss them all.

At the moment we are in the exciting or not so exciting process of looking at houses. Obviously he is there I am here so talking about areas, houses etc etc which is hard work. I'm a little nervous about this move, not sure if I will get bored BUT I am looking forward to the experience I will be there for at least 1 year if I don't like it and obviously more if I do.

I have a lot planned whilst he is away, one of my besties land's this weekend ready for Mardi Gras on Saturday, Jessie J on 8th March, Future Music on 10th March, fly to Perth on 11th March, fly to Melbourne for the grand prix on 14th March then back to Sydney on 19th March, a busy start to an exciting March :)...

I am always looking for any hints and tips from my Perth readers on where is good to go, live, see etc so if any ideas comment below on the thread and other can join the conversation.

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