
Ok... This needs to be said

So I have now been in Australia for 2.5 years, recently moved to WA and brought a car as in WA the public transport is... eermmmm lets just say for arguments sake - SHIT - not like Sydney with transport links everywhere - I mean unless you live in the city you cant get public transport out of the airport here unless its a taxi!

I have come to the conclusion that some - not all - but some of the drivers on the road in WA see to have got their drivers licence out of a free giveaway from a cereal box! So many of you have an issue with merging or just dont understand the concept of indicators/meriging.

I drive from Fremantle to Perth every day of the week - it's a nice drive when the sun is shining and your on the freeway driving next to the swan river seeing dolphins playing around quite often! but when I get off the Canning Hwy and merge into the main lanes it's like people are fighing for their driving space! every. single. day! I deal with this issue.

I do what I was taught to do in my driving lessons to Mirror - Signal - Manouver which for you guys who got your licence from a cereal box you check your mirror to see the situation around you, you signal appropriatley and then move into position. So I indiacte to go into the right lane, you let me in as their is plenty of room and everybody is happy, traffic moves nicely... pffffffffffffftttttt AS IF!!

Every bleeding time I want to merge from my lane the twat in the lane either speeds up to not let you through OR when you do get in front of them, beep at you, flash their lights and give you all the signals that are not to do with driving? I mean seriously what is the issue with letting people in to help ease the pain of traffic. Let's face it the reason you wont let people in is because your sick of being in traffic yet your in traffic because the people down the road are doing what your doing! I have even seen it where people speed up not to let people in and hit the side of them - you would rather DENT your car than let people in?

An australian guy I work with explained to me that "back in the day if you could drive in a straight line you got your licence" not sure how accurate that is but it seems to me that it would explain some of the drivers behaviours! In other countries you let one care in front of you - I suppose kind of a unwritten Road Eittiquete so to speak? Even the drivers from countries where the driving is awful are better at indicating/merging...

So my question to you IS - do you experience the same thing or are you one of those drivers who hates letting people in??

Perth 125445609268324148

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