
Office Politics or just plain STUPID

He said, she said, they said and we said... blah BLAH BLAH! 

I have worked in an office environment since I pretty much left school I have worked for some good companies, some bad companies and some, well complete and utter disaster companies!

Luckily I have found my feet and work for a decent organisation with a good boss and lovely people to work with - well not all but its real life and we don't get along with everyone aye!

I will give you a few examples.... and in no particular order 

Office 1 
  • Two directors - one on a rather higher salary than the other
  • you HAD to do 200 calls and 2 hours talk time... .PER DAY
  • We came in one day and there was no chairs and we were told "we had to make 50 calls before our chairs came back"
  • The boss' would sell drugs to staff
Office 2

I would like to point out here that this started out very awesome... made new friends, even shared a bed with one of them but it went from that to the worst
  • Bullied for being "gay"
  • 3 of them tried to get me punched whilst I was out in the same club as them
  • told immigration my relationship "wasn't real"
  • They would threaten to kill me, stab me, punch me etc and this went on for months
Now the reason I write this is because I am not sure why this has to happen in offices, I know we are human and we don't all get along but you don't see me spreading rumors around the office about them or wearing t-shirts with a horrible nick name on it or trying to get them beaten up?

Is it just how offices are or is it Office Politics? I have a friends who are leaving a job at their work and someone decides to make up complete lies about why they are leaving to make them look ignorant and ridiculous? why is it? Also what do YOU do about it when you SEE or HEAR someone at work spreading rumours or bullying someone?

Spreading rumours, picking on someone for their sexuality, colour, religion etc is BULLYING IN THE WORKPLACE - THIS IS A SACKABLE OFFENCE.... 

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