
Film Review - White House Down

Last night I was lucky enough to be able be one of the first people to see "White House Down" starring Channing Tatum (with a shirt on ladies and gents sorry) and Jamie Foxx at his typical funny self!

To be honest the film started slow, there was no topless Channing Tatum for a start which was a disappointment! but in general it just took a while to get into the movie and I slowly started to switch off. It was fairly obvious who the bad guy was going to be and the minute it was apparent in the movie I turned to my boyfriend and whispered "well that was obvious" to which I got an "I agree" grunt

Then the film got interesting, you know how it is first the president didn't make it to the Air Force One, then the bad guys had EVERY angle covered from the basement, to all 10 floors of the white house - well actually 11 if you included the roof right? There is a couple of twists that I didn't see coming in this movies which made it interesting.

The film makers (of which done independence day) completely out did them selves with the graphics! It's amazing what technology allows you to do with a big dollar budget behind you! Also the directors did well with the whole movie, the characters where great! Channing Tatum had no top on though, just him wet in vest not sure why that was?

ha, no kidding! in all seriousness the film was a great action packed movie with comic value. I like how Jamie Foxx played the president, some bits I would laugh at because it's how I would think the president would be for example, he goes in his wardrobe to grab a new pair of shoes as he lost a shoe (long story but watch the movie) he then goes in and decides to grab trainers instead - I mean that totally is what he would do I reckon?

Anyway! get yourselves down to your nearest cinema! The movies is officially out today and its a great movie for all ages! No gore, a little blood and your boys will love the Kabooms! but the girls might be disappointed as Channing Tatum has his top on!

Check out the trailer below!

A big thanks to the guys at Sony Pictures, Australia and PSquared Communications, Perth
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