
What NOT to do at the movies!!

Don’t you just love heading to the cinema with your friends, grabbing a bag of popcorn and a coke slushy then going into to screen 4 to watch a movie that makes your laugh and brings you close into the moment right? Yup! Me to! Instead last night I decided to watch a horror film, I love watching horror movies with loud surround sound and big screens, said no one EVER! A couple of DON’T DO’s if you’re scared of the dark and scared of scary things! Firstly do not say yes to watching a horror film, even if you are getting bullied into going because the following chain of events might have been avoided! Waves fist in air whilst shouting damn you!!

Don’t get comfortable; be prepared sit up and on the edge of your seat with a jumper around your head! Oh and don’t hold popcorn when your relaxed because the poor guys behind might not like buttered popcorn!

Wait till the end of the movie for the toilet; there is nothing creepier than a quiet cinema at nearly 10pm at night and going into a toilet that has a temperamental light that does that horror movie flickering, cue 4 year old boy mode of crossing your legs and bobbing up and down whilst thinking whether to hold it or run in and go quickly before the scary monster comes out!

Don’t hold a drink during a scary moment; this is important if you want to leave the cinema the same way you arrived, picking up a drink during a scary moment could possibly equal you squeezing the cup, the lid popping off followed by a Niagara Falls of coke slushy on your t-shirt and jeans. Learn by my mistake and put 3 – 4 straws in each other so you never have to pick the cup again!

So in summary I became a 4 year old boy who threw popcorn in people’s faces and spilt coke slushy all down myself because I was scared of the dark! Pffffft will I ever grow up!

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