
The Best Ice Cream - EVER!!

I thought I would share THE BEST ICE CREAM IN THE WORLD with you!!!! lol..

There is a little story around this baby - Myself and my mate Patina (who brought me this today for memory's sake haha) where sitting in about 2 years ago after our hungover cure - KFC and a bottle of Full Fat Coke - watching TV in our duvets on the huge sofa I owned back in the UK all comfy and chilled, then in the evening and a advert came on for a Magnum Temptation and we were like OOO... MMMM... GGGG we want that! We decided to go into my car and I drove us to our local shops ( I would like to add the shop is a 5 minute walk lol) we then see they didn't have it. We then drove to our local tesco shop (which is like Coles/Woolworths) and they didn't have it there! Damn!!

We then found ourselves standing in Tesco deciding on what to do as we REALLY wanted one. Let's go on a Magnum finding road trip! Off we went around Milton Keynes. Nearly 5 hours later ( I am not kidding ) we finally went into another Tesco branch and found them!! couldn't find them indivually so had to buy 5 pack!! lol...

Everytime I have one of these Chocolate coated, chocolate ice cream with white chocolate bits and chocolate brownie sexy "sexy in a box" Magnums - it reminds me of the above story!!

If you have tried the Magnum Temptation - Go buy one NOW!! Amazeeeee..
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