
The Challenge - Day 2

Day 2 wasn't to bad! I had quite a lazy day really. Got up around 10:30 done the house work, went into Manly for a little bit of shopping we needed then came home to make myself lunch. I then had to sit down with all our paperwork i.e Financials, Bank Statements, Rentals Agreements to start the process of my PR which will enable me to live and work in Australia with no limitations!! oh yes!

I'm mid way through organising all this paperwork and I get a phone call, I might add that it is the same phone call I have had 5 times already this week. Some foreign person sitting at the end of it saying "I'm calling from Technical Support about your Microsoft computer" Ive asked them nicely 4 times that that don't call me as I have a MAC- MAC MAC MAC MAC MAC!!!.... So this time I wasn't so gracious... immediately got my guards up saying "I've told you 4 times that I have a F*****G Apple Mac so F*** Off!" to which I get "I'm sorry but you do have a microsoft computer"... Sorry but I think the one in the room of my house knows better than you do!... I then said "Look just F*** Off and leave me alone and go pester someone else who gives a shit" and then in her little voice "Shud Up"!! cue me about to explode and call her something horrible! and then I remembered this ungodly little challenge lol (Damn youuuu)!! so I said one more time "Take me off your list and P*** Off" to which she told me to "Shud Up" again and hung up. If only you could tell someone to go away in real life and they actually would rolls eyes!.

I then in the evening go with my partner to meet his brother and sister-inlaw for a drink at the Bavarian Bier Cafe, Manly. I Love this place it has become a bit of a local for me recently ;)... I mean with the no work hangovers can come and go as they please haha!... I ordered our drink with the lady, who then took the table next us order, 20 minutes go by we have not got our drinks but the table next to us has! I never usually have a problem with this place but did tonight! arghh!!... I then asked she said she will get them and them 30 minutes later we finally get them!... Normally at this point I would be slagging her off in my head or saying to the people who I am with that she was useless etc, nope not tonight but I also feel myself getting more positive about people as well!... so lets see how the rest of the 3 months go :)

I could have dealt with the phone call better but the fact I had repeated myself 5 times in 3 days really grinded on me! so for Day 2 I would have to say 7 out of 10 just because I got soooo angry with her!! lol... isn't the point in this that I get up to 10 and not down to 0 lol!!

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