
How the other half live and are they to blame?

I know there is "other half" in regards to money and living, but I must admit moving to Sydney has really shown what its like in regards to the "other half". I am on a daily basis walking past private boats and houses that could pass as hotels! amazing sizes, beautiful architecture and most deserved to! I mean these places I Walk past or boats I see are normal people (when I say normal I mean don't have a camera following them 24/7) You then have these celebrities who earn an annual wage we will never see and sometimes they get paid for ONE film an amount we will never see!! madness. Below is a house and a boat I walked past today just to give an example.

I live in a beautiful but sometimes pretentious place called Manly. One of Sydney's many expensive postcodes. I always see people holding Louis', Gucci's and Jimmy's, you name it these girls/guys have it! I always want for things like this not because they all have it, because they look nice. Is seeing these famous people in the papers wearing all these designer clothes, shoes and bags to blame for making it socially unacceptable to not have these shoes or this bag!?

Even though I left school 6/7 years ago MY GOD society has changed massively in less than a decade! When I was at school it was mobile (which is bad enough) Adidas, Nike and Reebok. Still was bad back then, but now, now its who has the latest Chanel bag, OMG she has a fake Louis Vuitton. My sister at the age of about 15/16 had a real Louis Vuitton purse brought for her (we all got a special present) from our parents after coming back from holiday. She was NEVER allowed to take it to school. My parents aren't about status and to be honest I think they stick there middle finger up to society. The point is, our parent ARE to blame for society to because my sister was not allowed to take it into school but others let their kids take them into school and if you don't have a Louis or Gucci purse in your bag you get bullied for it!!

Is the way society has gone, to far gone to be able to make it stable again? Is the world of designers to self absorbed in order to change? I don't know but all I do know is Celebrities are huge player in the way society is now because its all based on status and what "Designers" you are wearing!

opinions 6132362801950651674

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  1. I know what you mean! I think its relatively worse in Asian countries, especially in China, just because they make fake EVERYTHING! Haha (BTW, I'm only allowed to say this because I'm Chinese)!

  2. yeah thats true!! I forgot about the fake industry!! that is bad also x


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