
Tonight's Gunna be a Good Good Night!

A friend of mine rung me yesterday arvo asking if I fancied a drink in the evening! Of course!! you don't have to ask. It was one of her friends from works birthday so I met her around 7pm had lots of bubbles and vino and left around 9:30 and we were heading to Bungalow 8 on Darling Harbour I have never been there but it was an amazing venue.

We rocks up, gets a bottle of bubbles and we get out the back for a cigarette before we find the birthday girl and friends! When we met the others I was introduced to some of my friend work collegues one of which was the birthday girl was a good crowd. Immediatley I got talking to this guy, now I can't remember his name how bad! he was a good laugh with a good sense of humour! I really needed a good night out and just had a gut feeling it would be a good night out! I met this crazy girl Emma who loves to sing and dance when all the old skool tunes came on! So I joined in and then obviously got talking to her.

I got speaking to a few new people and everyone one was happy, laughing, joking and out for a good night. Myself and Emma where slowly but surely slipping into oblivion with the drinking - until we got a little surprise in the form of poppers!! haha two funny makes you go all funny all over for about 2 minutes!! good legal fun!! :) I then got speaking to a girl called Michelle, she was from Ireland and again another lovely person to meet and we exchanged numbers and said we should meet up for lunch. I then see 3 familiar faces in the club who I use to work with and don't get on with and I think all I need to say here is I was a huge concern for them last night and I affected their night out - don't worry I didnt do or say anything, I didn't need to but anyway me and Emma got a few shots in necked them - TAXI! it was time I went home!

Get's back to her place, got a full on meal Lite'n'Easy style... thanks em ;) lol but also was a bit ill. I did not want to move this morning! not AT ALL!

Note : Don't Drink EVER AGAIN!

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