
How do friendships turn sour for no reason what so ever....

Last October/November time we met are real good group of friends, finally landed on our feet with people on our wave length. Went out with them, they all spent christmas day at our place, spent NYE together etc etc, Then out of the blue it all started getting a bit silly, One of the girls, Girl A, in the group on another ones (Girl B) birthday asked me and my partner to move up so the girl could sit next to her and the guy could sit next to her boyfriend. Then on Australia I got pushed out the way so the same girl mentioned (Girl A) so she could stand next to Girl B and said 'awwww we can't leave poor Girl B out" Baffling.

Then from then we would contact them, try and meet up with them but would never happen always doing something which is fair enough. Then one of our friends (Girl C) had a birthday for Mardi Gras and the group, Including Girl A and Girl B, said they were going for dinner at Girl A's house. Fair enough, it turns out there was never no dinner and pics are up of them all on Facebook @ Mardi Gras... My point here is why the lies? anyway left it at that. Then for my birthday we were going camping on Jervis Bay, Cheap as chips, but Girl B and her partner couldn't afford it which is fair enough but then the same weekend they go on some sort of party cruise thing... again why the lies?

We finally got in touch with Girl B and partner and were going to meet them this week to catch up and talk about all thats happen, like friends do, talk it out. Then last night Girl D who never utters a word to me, on facebook or when we are out for that matter, comment on my check in at Girl C's and partner house saying "I thought your guys didn't like each other" one don't comment on my status like that and two why are you even having an opinion. Well this got out of hand obviously my partner, Girl C and her partner defended themselves and us because this could have started and argument between us, luckily it didn't.

This morning on Facebook i was looking at friends page's and noticed Girl B had removed me of it, WTF thought we were meeting, any way wotevs, turns out we offended her by defending ourselves to Girl D and her unnessesary comments... But hang on, Girl B had a pop at me for defended Girl C previously before and them letting her down and lying on her birthday??

Why is it this happens, I have done nothing or said nothing wrong - I have put of eradicating them from my life because my boyfriend enjoyed their company, so more chasing was done and more ignoring was occurred.... so now it stops, they have all been removed of facebook as I can't be arsed with negativity in my already complex life... :)

I mean when your stressed out should you not remove yourself from the situation that is stressing you out... who knows but my question still is... why can friendships turn sour???

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